does anyone have a website about lining thicknesses?
2 Replies
isa - October 23

I'm looking for any info on what my lining needs to be and should be on each day of the cycle or specific days to allow for a pregnancy to carry. Does anyone have any info on this they can share or a website for me to browse?


Michelle - October 23

I don't have a web site but my RE says that they consider endometrial thickness of 10mm to be ideal. Below 7mm would cause them to postpone any ART techniques. Studies have shown that thickness below 8-9mm causes the chance of implantation to be very low and if under 6mm, implantation is very unlikely. Hope this helps.


isa - October 23

thanks thats the info i was looking for. My iui may be cancelled this month due to that reason. its only 5.8 on cd10 and the worse thing is they new since cd6 it was low and did nothing. I'm very upset right now but got them to finally give me estrogen today but its less than last month so I'm not sure what will happen.



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