5 Replies
jada - November 10

Can you and your partner both be normal and still have problems conceiving?


sabra - November 11

Hi , I would like to invite you to visit our message board. Its small enough to give individual attention to everyone’s post yet big enough to be supportive and informative. I know that TTC is a an exciting and sometimes heartbreaking journey. It’s so much better when you have someone along. Just join in anytime I know you will love it.
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vidya - November 22

Yes it happens sometimes because my friends and her did try 3 yrs for a baby without success ..all tests came up positive . Now is she is 4 months pregnant with out treatment. For some peole it will take time to get pregnant. But i think most of them will get get pg within 6 months.I have been trying for 7 months without success. Dr had given me 3 more months after that will do some fertility tests. Good luck with [email protected]


latasha - September 21



Toni - September 22

I think a lot of people assume they ovulate on day 14 and it really can vary. Read the book Taking Charge of Your Fertiltiy and use opks.


aish - September 23

hi frnds,even we r trying for 4 mths i had my blood work done it is normal now i have to go for my tubes test....i dont know why i am not getting pregnant.
Vidya.... why dr. gave u 3 mths time and what r fertilty tests?



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