Clomid users-Does clomid make your cycle longer?
240 Replies
| Ann - February 3 |
Lauren, I read your story with your m/c. It is terrible and sounds extremely stressful. However, I don't know what the "standard procedures" are for all that stuff, since I have never been pg with any result. If I were you, though, I would trust instincts. It sounds like you got a bad feeling for the drs, so I would switch. I don't think you are over-reacting at all. I never interviewed drs or anything--just happened to end up with an ob/gyn that i really like. I did just see a RE last week and I certainly didn't get any warm fuzzies for him! Although I don't have any other kids, my dh has a 10 yo son from a previous marriage and we have him 50% of the time. Dh and I have been together for about 7 years but only married for 2.5. He is 37 and I am 36. Now I certainly wonder if I waited too late...Tracy, I love them all, but we have too much dog!! Good luck on your therapist search. I am off to my follie check!
Thanks Tracy! I think I am going to call the OB my neighbor uses today. He has 6 kids, so maybe he'll understand the desire to want children and to have a healthy pregnancy. I just didn't know what was normal or not-hadn't experienced it. Started AF today-looking on the bright side-another chance! Tracy, you are doing great. You are not old-one of my friends just had a 2nd one at 39-1st was at 36. She didn't meet Mark(the love of her life until 35) it will happen! Both were clomid babies. The best part is that you are with the right man!Stop thinking he would be happier w/someone younger just to have a baby-it sounds like you are both soulmates! You are not a failure. Keep trying with the therapists on your insurance(if youstill want to)-i remember i called at least 20. Some were on my list and didn't even take my insurance any more! I know it's time consuming. Hang in there! Ann, I don't know about the first injectible prescribed-I could research it though.
Tracy and Ann do you feel any different than last months symptoms? Don't worry if you don't-I'm sure it means nothing-it is too early. I feel like chanting "BFP'S BFP'S BFP'S!"
Lauren, as far as symptoms go, I had them all last month. I keep trying to look for something different, but can't really see a difference. I write everything down in an agenda. The only difference between this and last cycle was that my boobs started hurting on the same day, but were on fire this time. They hurt worse for like two days. Every ounce of boob hurt soooo bad, whereas last time it was mainly the nipple (I hate that word by the way!). So sorry about AF too. I know exactly what that's like. I'm glad you have more strength than I do though, I have felt like throwing in the towel ever since. My last AF was on Jan.11 and is due again anywhere from Tuesday through Friday.
Oh and about dog food Lauren....My cats kept puking and one always hid, so we changed their food to a brand called Innova and it changed their lives. They make dog food too. I don't find that it is much more expensive than the brands like Iams and Science Diet, but it is very healthy and all natural. We get it at our local health food store; the bag is red. I cannot tell you how my cats changed. They rarely puke, are way more playful, and the little shy one is way more extroverted and happy now. I was afraid that it would taste awful to them, but we didn't even need to ween them off the old food; they went right for it and didn't look back. Buy a small bag first and see what happens.
| Ann - February 3 |
Last month, I felt zero symptoms, but the month before that I really thought I was pg. I had 3 follies that month that were big enough to release an egg and none of them worked! I guess my body was playing tricks on me. I just got back from the dr and I have 4 follies this time but only 2 that are big enough to trigger (18mm and 20mm). They already gave me the hcg shot and I am doing an iui tomorrow morning! Lauren, sorry about af. I was hoping you were going to get a + after all. Now it is back to waiting for O!
Ann, those sound like good follicles. Hoping, wishing, praying, crossing fingers, toes, etc... Last month I had a day21 progesterone level of 32.6 and the doctor was really happy. I asked him why that was so great and he said because I obviously had some great follicles. Well?????? Where's my baby??? I didn't have any luck either. Let's keep our spirits high and positive thoughts for this month.
That sounds like a good idea Tracy. Ann-good luck..keep us updated! I am having the worst AF cramps right now-yuck! Have a great weekend!
| Ann - February 4 |
Hi guy. I just got back from my iui. For some reason, I am really feeling pessimistic. I don't think this is ever going to work for me. Dh thinks this is the lucky time, though. I HATE the 2ww!! Dh told me that he doesn't want me to take any hpts this month, but I told him that is not going to happen! Lauren, sorry about the af issues. It is extra lousy that you get the disappointment along with uncomfortable physical symptoms. Tracy, my fingers are crossed for you for no af next week!
Thanks for the positive vibes. I don't know what to feel so one minute I'm up and the next minute I'm down. I try to stay positive, but I don't think I do a very good job at it. That's why I tell others to stay positive. Hopefully it will rub off on me. I have a hard time looking at each AF as a new beginning rather than a failure on my part.
Good morning! Well the question that started this thread was, "Does clomid make your cycle longer?" I might be able to answer that question again VERY soon. Last month my cycle was 3 days or so longer and this month appears that it may be right on time. I had a ton of fluffy cm yesterday and this morning that fluffy cm was the lightest shade of pink, so that has led me to believe that AF is on her way. I tend to spot before AF arrives, so my guess is she'll be on time this month. I'll keep you posted. Have a great Superbowl Sunday and I hope whomever visits this thread is sleeping in right now since I can't. Belly rubs!
| Ann - February 5 |
Hi everyone. Tracy, that is too bad you think af is arriving...I hope she doesn't show up. I am really looking forward to the game tonight, although Super Bowl Sunday is bittersweet for me (exciting, but that means no more NFL until next season!). I don't know who I want to win tonight, but I hope it is a close game. Either of you going to any Super Bowl parties? Dh and I are just working around the house today (we bought a "fixer upper") and are going to just watch the game here w/some queso and chips!
Hello ladies...just wanted to say hi. We went to my parents yesterday. They live on a lake-it was relaxing. We barbecued and the men drank beer and the girls got a little too giggly on the wine! I 'm on AF so I figured what the heck! I'm already on my best behavior again-vitamins,healthy eating, yada, yada, yada...LOL!Anyhow, I hope you guys had a nice superbowl weekend. Keep your spirits up and take care!
Hey! So football is over for the season, I watched about the last 20 minutes of the game last night. DH doesn't watch football at all--he's a computer programmer so he's always glued to his PC. He owns his own business, and his business is also his passion, so I'm screwed! LOL... Anyway, I hope AF stays away too, but I always hope that and get let down. I expect AF to come. The cramping I had has stopped. It was pretty mild compared to AF cramps, and I have had no more spotting thus far. We'll see how the week progresses. It's gonna be a long one I think.
| Ann - February 6 |
Tracy, my dh has his own business, too (builds wine rooms in houses/restaurants to keep the wine at the right humidity and temperature). Wine, football, and dogs are our main things in common/passions! All of your signs sound positive. I've talked to a couple other people with light spotting that ended up pg. Are you going to test?? Lauren, it sounds like your weekend was good for you to relax. I hope it made you feel ready to try again!
Oh, how I wish I had a dog and could drink wine. At this point in my life, anytime I drink alcohol I get a headache within a couple of hours. Usually I haven't even left wherever I am drinking when the headache comes on. I have given up drinking altogether for that reason, but there's nothing like a little buzz from a glass of wine or two. I spotted again last night, but this tome it was creamy and chocolatey looking (gross I know). I have never seen it that consistency at this time of month before. I still feel like AF is on the way though. I'll keep you posted. I can't test. I just refuse to see another BFN staring back at me. I get so let down everytime and then realize I wasted my money. AF will let me know; she always does. Lauren, I hope you are well! Keep in touch.
| Ann - February 7 |
Tracy, no wine or drinks?? That is rough. Those are the only pros to af arriving for me!:) Are you still determined to not test? Like I said, I've heard of people spotting and being pg. I hope it is your case. I just talked to a coworker/friend of mine. She was married and has 2 kids. Her af hasn't arrived as it should have this month. If she accidentally gets pg and I can't do it after all this trying, I will be so depressed!!