Clomid users-Does clomid make your cycle longer?
240 Replies
Lauren - February 1

This is my first month on clomid-50 mg days 4-8.I did ovulate cd 15 or more likely 16 and am currently at cd 28. My temps have been high-99 this morning, but no pregnancy symptoms, just terrible headache yesterday and today and irritable.I also have occasional pain in lower left abdomen. Oh yeah, I did have 25 day cycles. I've gotten bfn's up until 10dpo and then started using opk's since they can also pick up the hcg(and are cheaper!) and there is barely a line. Is the clomid causing the longer cycle or could this be a possible pregnancy?( I really don't have AF or prego symptoms). Thanks.


Tracy - February 1

Could be either/or. I did clomid last month cd's 5-9, ovulated on cd 15, and AF came on cd31. I normally have 28 day cycles. At this point you could be PG or it could just be the clomid. I wish I could tell you more, but until you get a positive HPT or AF, all you can do is wait it out. Let me know what happens. Lots of luck and baby dust!


Lauren - February 1

Thanks for responding. Temp dropped this am so I'm pretty sure af is on the way (again). Glad I didn't waste another test! Good luck to you and lots of baby dust!!!


Tracy - February 1

Still keep me posted, you never know. Clomid has been known to make temps erratic for some people. I don't temp, so I'm no pro. But I am curious to see how things work out for you, and if AF does show, keep your chin up and try again. My sister got PG on her second cycle, so there is no reason to get depressed if the first didn't catch. I say this because I did get depressed and don't want anyone else to waste their energy.


Ann - February 2

Lauren, I am on my 5th round of clomid. It has not affected the length of my cycles, but I've heard other people say that it does make theirs longer. I found some home pg tests at a "dollar store" that are very sensitive (detect 20mIU) if you want to get some cheapies! How long have you been ttc?


Lauren - February 2

Thanks Tracy about the not getting depressed part-trying to remember that! We lost a baby last April when I was a little over 5months along and have been ttc AGAIN since then-Feb. will be month nine I think.I don't always ovulate on my own and supposedly this Clomid will work.-it just doesn't make me feel great! Still no AF but I have a feeling it will start-temp is lower. Can you say" longer cycle"=torture!
Thanks Ann-I'll head to the dollar tree so I can obsess some more and drive my dh more nuts!LOL!


Tracy - February 2

Lauren, I would like to say I'm sorry about the miscarriage, but I don't think anything I say could erase what happened. That's a tough thing to have gone through....I'm proud you are still on the path to TTC. I know how you feel about the extended cycle. I thought when I was late last month that there was a chance I was PG. I tried not to get my hopes up, but I think somewhere in the back of your mind, you always do just a little. I didn't cry when AF showed, but instead when I started my clomid again on day 5 I started to fall apart because it made me very depressed. I stayed in a funk for over a week and thought, "How am I supposed to get PG when I am this depressed?" BUT by the time I ovulated, I was on a mission and had sex every single day for like 5 days. I still have down moments, but I'm learning to deal with them, they have become routine. Isn't that sad? I am going to call a therapist my OB recommended just to have someone to help me through this process all over again. I am about 7 or 8 dpo now and going absolutely stir crazy!!!!


Lauren - February 2

Hi Tracy..I can relate to the routine. My dh HATES IT and told me he doesn't want to hear about it anymore. I kind of understand about the crazy feelings on clomid..I don't know how many months you have been on it. I know this has been my first time and I have been more than up and down and am usually a steady, strong person (been through a lot). I try hard to put it in to perspective and work on other things. I do volunteer work 3 days/week with 1-5th graders, I garden, (and have ripped up my garden and flowers repeatedly and neighbors keep asking me why when it looked so nice!) and I exercise w/my dog-walk and run..she is old, so we don't go that far. I'm even begging dh for another far answer is definite NO. I am rambling, and I am probably not even helping, but I am not embarassed to say that I went to a therapist for a while after that terrible thing happened.. we were so devastated. I think my dh needed to go too!If you think someone could help you, then do it, and do little things to make you happy in the meantine-anything that doesn't have to do with making a buy a new lipstick shade or get a pedicure or whatever or go clothes shopping. ( For the longest time I wouldn't even buy normal clothes thinking I was going to be pregnant really soon and would need maternity.. well that was ludicrous!) At least, that is what I am trying to do. I probably sound completely crazy and make zero sense. I do hope you feel better and realize all of this has nothing to do with you and with what a wonderful person you seem to be. Talking with someone can't hurt and could really help you. Take care,Lauren


Ann - February 2

Lauren, I am sorry to hear you are having such a bad time with clomid and extra extra sorry about your m/c. It has to be devastating when you were at 5 months. I hope you have a long healthy pregnance this cycle! Have you tested with a hpt again yet? I hope to see you post good news soon!!


bettinainc - February 2

Lauren my cycle this month was longer. I ovulated on cd 20 and AF came today cd 34. I usually have 29 or 30 day cycles. This will be my 5th month on clomid. I don't know how much more of this I can take. Trying not get my hopes up with longer cycles but you just can't help it. I'm bummed.


Tracy - February 2

Lauren, it's funny that you mention that you walk with your dog, because lately I have been wanting one so bad so I would just get out into the fresh air. I had a dog with my ex and used to walk the dog like 3 times a day, plus whenever we went to a park or something. I miss it a lot and it forced me to stay in shape. I could use the distraction, but we are renting right now and the home owner asked that we not get new pets while here, plus we already have two cats and the place is too small for three animals. We are looking to move out of state as soon as possible, that is why we rent right now. I will take your advice; however, and see the therapist. It can only help.


Lauren - February 3

I went to Dollar Tree and bought opk's and hpt's and tested and got a bfn... I had a feeling. I don't know why I tested-just wishful thinking I suppose. It's been about 14dpo. At least my luteal phase has been lengthened! Thanks Ann for the kind words.Good Luck and Baby Dust! Bettinainc, I was wondering if you would ever consider a more agressive option like the injectible medications? I don't know that much about them...but don't they have higher success rates? I guess I am curious how long you are going to stay on the clomid ? I hope this is it for you and I am sending you tons of baby dust! Tracy that is terrible about the no new pets. That was always hard when we rented. Cats are great...but you can't walk them. Maybe when you get settled you can pick out a new puppy! What kind of a dog person are you? I have a fat chocolate lab named Zoe( means life, ironically). There is absolutely nothing she won't eat-she even eats every vegetable!LOL!Anyhow take care of yourself and I'll pray for a BFP for you! Hang in there!
No pressure for anybody to post-just when you feel like it.Thanks again for helping me. Good luck and lots of baby dust-it will happen for all of us eventually.


Tracy - February 3

I love all dogs, but always seem to get big ones. My last dog was a stray; shepherd/golden retriever mix. I like dogs that you can run, sporty types, like labs. I have always wanted a pure golden. I love their demeanor, obedience, and loyalty. AND you can exercise them. I want a dog I can trust around my children. Labs are awesome too. You said yours is older. How old? Well just to stick with the topic of the forum, I am actually 8 or 9 dpo. I think I posted earlier that I was earlier than that. Sorry about the BFN...I know how much I hate seeing them, so my heart goes out to you. Keep the faith.


Ann - February 3

Hi everyone. Lauren/Tracy, I love dogs as well! Dh and I have three (one too many at least:)). I had one before we got married (Boston Terrier), and he had one before we got married (13yo Shepard mix). Then, we adoped a Boxer off doggie death row right around the time we got married. I used to have a Boxer (named Zoey! she died in 1999) and always wanted another one. Speaking of injectibles, I will likely be trying them if my next iui (4th) doesn't take (today I am 9dpo). Does anyone know what a RE is likely to prescribe first? betinainc, I know what you mean about not knowing how many more times you can go through this disappointment! I am on my 5th round of clomid as well. Lauren, sorry about your BFN. It isn't over yet, though, you still have hope! Btw, I shop at Dollar Tree too for the hpts! Everyone, what is/are your ttc issues?


Lauren - February 3

Hi Ladies! My dog just turned 9. I am going to try to feed her lowfat dogfood -Iams 30%less fat I think..something like that. I could never think about not having her around! Ann, I got the Dollar Tree idea from you-hope you don't mind! I hope they really work. I had crazy cycles after what happened and didn't always ovulate. If I did ovulate on my own, usually my luteal phase was so short that a pregnancy didn't have the time to develop. This will be month 9 of ttc (if af ever starts) and I think just some regularity will help me-I hope. Do any of you have other children or is this going to be #1? We have a 3 1/2@ year old boy I had naturally..don't know if it was because I was younger or what????
I'd like some advice on what you guys think-is this a good dr. or not? What would you do? Here is a quick rundown, I hope it doesn't depress you! Please no! I just don't have any other sound opinions aside from my mother's, and she only gets me upset again!
I am considering changing dr.'s just for new scenery..and a new beginning. I kind of get negative feelings when I go in there and I probably shouldn't feel that way.However, she has my entire history and will work with my perinatologist(high risk) she referred me to. I don't blame my dr., but I'll always wonder why I was told to stay at home with a pad to soak the bleeding instead of meet her at the emergency room. The nurse told me to stay at home. I was so far along. When my husband finally insisted to take me-they took 2 1/2 hours to do an ultrasound while I layed there on a cold table with a sheet and a pad soaking the blood. There wasn't an ultrasound tech on call-it was the weekend. My ob never showed up until after some other dr. told me there was no heartbeat. I wasn't induced for labor for about 8 hours after I arrived and then I had about 8 hours of labor, my blood pressure was 20/10 and I needed blood. I was passed out for a portion of this, don't recall everything! My poor dh-they should have alcohol for men in hospitals!
How did you guys find your doctors?Did you interview them? What would you do if you were in my shoes? Have any of you miscarried or know someone that has? I am just trying to figure out if I am overreacting. My ob had also referred me to her best friend, my future perinatolgist. He is a good dr, but I wonder if he was careful about what he told me. He speculated placental problems and an infection soon thereafter.Sorry so long...won't bring up again!!!


Tracy - February 3

Lauren, I didn't get a good feeling from anything you just wrote. I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks one time (I was 23). I started bleeding, went in right away to see my doctor, he sent me directly over to the hospital for an ultra-sound. My blood showed PG, but they couldn't see anything on the US so they kept me overnight and were going to do surgery the next morning in case ectopic. By morning my blood levels decreased and I passed the fetus. I felt VERY well cared for/ no negative feelings. I would change doctors for sure! I once had an OB that was too busy and just sucked as a result; very inattentive! Ann--you can never have too many dogs. I used to have three as well (with my ex). Guys, I have no other children; just got married for the first time nine months ago at age 35. I have never wanted a child more as I love my husband and want to share this miracle with him. I go through all the feelings of failing him etc...and tell him he should have married someone younger. He deserves for this to be easier and not some kind of mission. It is what it is though, and I know he loves me soooo much. I am his princess and he does so much to make me happy. I am blessed with a good man (finally!) Bettinainc, I feel pretty bummed myself most of the time. Just called two therapists; one doesn't accept my insurance and one is too busy to take new patients. The search goes on.......


Ann - February 3

Lauren, I read your story with your m/c. It is terrible and sounds extremely stressful. However, I don't know what the "standard procedures" are for all that stuff, since I have never been pg with any result. If I were you, though, I would trust instincts. It sounds like you got a bad feeling for the drs, so I would switch. I don't think you are over-reacting at all. I never interviewed drs or anything--just happened to end up with an ob/gyn that i really like. I did just see a RE last week and I certainly didn't get any warm fuzzies for him! Although I don't have any other kids, my dh has a 10 yo son from a previous marriage and we have him 50% of the time. Dh and I have been together for about 7 years but only married for 2.5. He is 37 and I am 36. Now I certainly wonder if I waited too late...Tracy, I love them all, but we have too much dog!! Good luck on your therapist search. I am off to my follie check!



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