clomid twins
6 Replies
taylorsmom - April 25

I have been put on 100mg clomid cd 3-7. I am wondering if the chance of twins goes up when the dose goes up. Any help would be wonderful!


Chae - May 3

I am on the same dosage as well and I don't mind having twins. Smile, I guess we will wait and see.


rebecca - May 3

Yes! chances increase as the more you take the more your body is stimulated into producing eggs, the more eggs meeting those little wiggly ones the more babies!! I am on my 5th and final course of chlomid, have varied doses of 50mcg one month and 100mcg the next. It has made me ovulate but i am still not pregnant after 5 months of 'doing everything by the book' Am now waiting for a laparoscopy to see if there is any other underlying cause, fingers crossed it will work quicker for you! I would love twins too, complete the family in one fail swoop! xx


Tulip - September 5

I am on my second round of clomid. 50 mg a day for days 3-7. I just got an ultrasound to check if I have any mature eggs and they said that there are two large mature eggs getting ready to drop. My OB said I have a really high chance of getting twins. There are no twins on my husbands side or my side. So I think your chances of twins are still pretty good!


Anna - September 5

Do you think if you have a family history of multiples, your chances are higher? My father is an identical, my mother carried fraternal twice, and my cousin on my mother's side has a set of fraternal. I'm getting ready to start on Clomid. Do you think I may be even higher risk than most women?


kc - September 6

I read that anyone on clomid has a 1 in 10 chance of twins. 1 in 200 chance in trips and a 1 in 1,000 chance in quads. The dosage doesn't matter.


Lena - September 6

I believe the statistical odds are 10% of resulting pregnancies. Keep in mind that if the average conception rate on clomid is 25% (and as low as 10% in some instances.) then the twinning rate would be 10% of that 25%. As KC mentioned dosage makes no difference as its the response to clomid that matters. Fraternal twins result from two eggs fertilizing. This form of twinning is genetically linked. Maternal twins (aka identical twins) result when the early conceptus divides into two and isn't considered to be passed through the generations like fraternal twinning. I don't know any statistics on the twinning percentages between singleton familes and twin families. My initial guess would be that because fraternal twinning is common in families where the woman produces multiple follicles, and because clomid produces multiple follicles, there woudn't be a statistical difference between the two populations. Interesting question if anyone knows for sure.



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