I just started taking clomid this week (I took the 3rd pill today) I wanted to hear some of your experiences & if it was sucessful for you. I'm new to all this & am praying this works for me.
There's so much to say about clomid, where does one begin???? I am on my third cycle, my first two were obviously not successful. I was given 50mg the first two cycles and he upped my dose to 100mg this month. I am now in the two week wait, on cd18 and about 3dpo. I had high hopes and all warm fuzzy feelings about taking clomid, but now I am ready to accept if I need to move on to another form of medication. I am still hopeful for a good month though. I know I sound like I have nothing positive to say about my clomid experience, but I can say that soooooooo many women do get PG on this drug, so stay hopeful. We are all different and have different chemistries, so this may be perfect for you. Only time will tell. Keep your chin up and keep me posted. I can answer all of your questions about it making you feel certain side effects, symptoms, or emotions. I feel like a pro already. And trust me, you will have questions about the way you feel at some point. Good luck and BABYDUST!!!!!!!
Hi I have had 6 failed attempts of Clomid. I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS and have started taking Metformin. Have to have an ultrasound soon to decide where to go next... I hope and pray that it does work for you - I have heard lots of success stories! Good luck!
Thanks for sharing your stories with me. I will keep you posted. I wish you all good luck too & ~*~babydust~*~*
| isa - February 26 |
I did 2 cycles with clomid, first with 100mg days 2-6 and my lining thinned out too much from the clomid so he had to put me on estrogen pills to thicken it. Didnt get pg. Next cycle he dropped it to 50mg and still it thinned my lining too much so had to go on estrogen again and didnt get pg. Was also on injections both months. Hope it works better for you than it did for me. I am only on injections now.
Isa--I hope you check this thread again so you can answer this do injections make you feel? With clomid I feel either angry, depressed, or tired. Are they any better???
Do side effects from Clomid have anything to do with if it's going to work? I don't have any side effects & was wondering if that means Clomid is not having any effect on me?
No, I don't think whether or not you have any s/e from Clomid has any bearing on how well it works for you. I O'ed on my first 5 Clomid cycles & the s/e varied from hot flashes & "Clomid meltdowns" at first to no s/e at all on other subsequential cycles. My 6th cycle I didn't O at all & again had no s/e. I'm about to re-start Clomid for the my 7th time, 1st time after having Ovarian Drilling done (on 2/17) so hopefully it'll work for me now. Good luck Jenzey.
My first cycle I had no side effects, just a couple twinges in my head, but really nothing. Last month I fell apart completely and this month just very moody and irritable. It seems that each cycle has been different for me.
Hi, I took Clomid 50 mg on days 5-9 back in August, it didn't work. Then in December I took 100 mg days 3-7 and on the 12th day my doctor gave me an hCG shot (I don't remember the name) and I am now 8.5 weeks pregnant, so keep the faith and good luck to all.
Thank you silverbaby for the positive vibes. Good luck and have a happy, healthy nine months!
reading all these letters makes me realise how real pcos is. I guess I'm in a bit of denial. I had a miscarriage about 2yrs ago at 11 weeks and it was then it was discovered that I had fibroids. After having them removed my husband and I have been trying for just over a year to fall pregnant. I have had fairly regular periods, little acne, and I don't get terrible pms and I have never been overweight so how can my body betray me so. I'm on my second cycle of clomiphene and praying that this will be it.
I concieved after three cycles of clomid (50mg) and had a baby girl 2yrs ago. I have been trying to concieve again since the day she was born good luck to all and remember that their is only a 20% chance if you are fertile. P.s if using lube ditch it. Good Luck