Clomid question
7 Replies
ROBYN - March 27

I just started taking Clomid 3 days ago days 3-7. Last night I got a weird pain in the lower right side abdomen like not sure if it was my ovary. Has anyone had any similar pain? If so is it because of the stimulation of the ovaries? Thanks


Tracy - March 27

You may feel some cramping and pain while on clomid. I had some strange shooting pains a couple of times that were fleeting. The pain you really need to watch is when you are ovualting. It will be crampy and you will feel it distictly in your ovary, but if the pain is severe go to emergency right away. I'm sure you will be fine. Is your doctor monitoring you with an ultra-sound on day 10??


ROBYN - March 28

Tracy its not severe at all. Its just something different that I havent felt before. Yes my RE will be doing an u/s on cd12 for me.


Tracy - March 29

Clomid makes you feel all kinds of things, like.....about 3 or 4 days post ovulation my boobs would hurt soooo bad. They never hurt, so I thought I was PG the first month. That happened all three months I was on it. I also always got a migraine after ovulation when my progesterone peaked, I gained twelve pounds in two months, I was horribly bloated, and very moody. Everybody is different though, and it is the miracle that many women are looking for, so please don't let my experience take away any of your hope. My sister got PG on her second cycle on clomid and had no side effects to speak of. Good luck!!!!


ROBYN - March 30

Just finished taking all the pills. My period ended 3 days ago. so for the heck of it I started my OPK that I am supposed to start on CD10 so I already got my surge is that possible this soon. I go in for Post Coital test in the morning because I got a positive surge thought it might be too early but I guess not. Tracey I am not discouraged what you told me. Each of us are different and I think we look for comfort from people who share similar stories and situations. I also wish you good luck


Tracy - March 31

I'm not that experienced on when someone should ovulate while on clomid. It made me ovulate later than normal. For example, on clomid I would get a positive OPK on cd14, but on a non-medicated cycle (like this month) I got a positive surge on cd9. I also had a post coital test and everything turned out well. Good luck tomorrow!!!!


? - April 6

Tracy what days were you prescribed to take the clomid?


Freckles - April 7

Ok I have been reading that some of you go for ultrasounds on certain days.And some also go for blood work.
Now my blood work shows that I DO ovulate BUT I only get a/f every few months. Its not at ALL normal lately. My dr gave me clomid 50mg for day 5 -9 this is my 2 day taking it. WHY didnt he say anything to me about getting more blood work to make sure I O? And why no ultrasound>? Does this mean hes not monitoring me properly.
He only gave me two months worth as he figures I will get p/n very quickly aparently all my hormone tests are showing theres no reason for me to NOT get p/g {I also have two other children}
hope this makes sence



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