2 Replies
nickzack - March 16

I have letuel Phase Defect. My cycle was started on Feb. 12th. My Dr. also began me on Clomid from the 5th to 9th day. I am almost a week late and still have not began my new cycle. I have taken pregnancy tests and the say I am not pregnant. So is this normal for it to be this late.


caribangell - March 19

yes it is . clomid is a synthetic harmone and it sometime causes the body to go out of wack. your body also have to get use to the clomid as well. baby dust to ya!!


KayteeLeanne - March 19

I'm taking clomid also.. and i O late with it too.. my cycle last month was 37 days lol.. but i had to enduce af to come.. so it would have been longer. but i have PCOS. so i never have af on my own.. good luck!



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