3 Replies
Andri20 - July 21

Hi everyone. I have PCOS, my doctor had put me on provera to induce my menses and now he has prescibed clomid to me.All he said was to take the pills 3-7 days in my cycle, but I was not told when I would ovulate then I can make love with my fiancee.Could someone help me answer this question?


christina - July 22

hi i just finished my first cycle of clomid, i was told to try every other day around the time of days 12,14 and 16 of your cycle. i dont know if that helps but he should have also told you to go in cycle day 21 for blood.


KellyN - July 22

Those ovulation predictor kits (opks) are great for figuring out when you are about to ovulate. You can get them over the counter at any drug store.


annette - July 22

hi Andri, you would ovulate 4-10days after the last clomid tablet. you would be most fertile for 5 days around your ovulation date- abt 4 days before and 1 after. hope this helps



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