chances of pregnancy with ENDOMETRIOSIS
13 Replies
laura - March 19

hi-doctors believe i have endo-what are the next steps to take and does anyone knew the chances of getting pregnant after being diagnosed with endo ? any uplifting stories or sharing your own situation with endo will be so helpful since i do not knew much about endo. thanks


jg - March 19

Laura - I will bump my story up - it's called "NEED HOPE? Read my story" and tells my journey from endo to pregnancy. Good luck.


Ann - March 20

Laura, I have endo (ttc for 2 years). Your next step will likely be a laparoscopy to verify the endo and to remove it, if possible. Sometimes the dr will prescribe Lupron to treat the endo, too, if necessary. Good luck to you!


laura - March 20

this endo stuff is so scary because the "textbook stats" do not sound very promising. ttc stuff is depressing enough now the endo is even more harder to cope with !. JG--i will go read your post right now !!!!!!!!!


Ann - March 20

The thing that frustrates me about the endo stuff is that it seems like the info is all over the board. I can't really tell how hopeful/hopeless it is!


laura - March 20

to ann--you are so right about that---all the information that is out there is hard to make out if it is positive or not ! the info on the net does not seem promising ! what meds are you on for endo? and to conceive ? did you need lap--and what is it like ?


Ann - March 20

I got a lap and the dr said she got it all, so I didn't have to take any meds. She said, when someone is ttc, she tries to avoid doing Lupron, if possible. The lap was not bad at all. I would not hesitate to do it again, if I need to. For ttc, I did 5 months of clomid with no luck. Now, I am on my first month of injectibles. I did Menopur, Follistim, and diluted Lupron (to supress production of my body's own FSH and LH--not for endo). It was so difficult to do the shots for me, because I have a big needle phobia. I finished the shots last week and had an iui on Saturday. What about you? What have you been doing on the ttc front?


laura - March 20

as far as the ttc front i have been doing alot of the usual blood tests with transvaginals---the dr. suspects endo so i will definelety need a lap--i am not sure when i have an appt. later this month . then i guess they will tell me what medications i need. what are the side effects of the medications that you tried ?--oh i also have pcos.


Ann - March 20

None of the meds have bothered me much at all. I couldn't even tell I was taking the clomid. With the injectibles, my stomach felt kind of puffy (for lack of a better way to describe it), but that is really it. I was really stressed from just the mental aspects of the shots, but I never felt like the drugs were doing anything. I hope you get your lap schedule soon. Do you know Mega on the board? She also has pcos and had something called ovarian drilling when she had her lap. It is supposed to make you unaffected by pcos for a while after the drilling.


lynsey - March 20

hi dont no much about this myself but 2 of my friends got pregnant after being diagnosed with endometritos. good luck.


Ann - March 20

Cool, success stories!


laura - March 21

thanks lynsey-those are exactly the stories we wanto to hear !


PennyHull - April 9

Laura, I was diagnosed with endo at 24, dr did a lap and cleared it out, but too late for my tubes, both blocked and he couldn't clear them without a much bigger surgery (and said the chances of scar tissue blocking them again would be huge). So we went to the only option left for us, IVF. Went through 3 full cycles, but at the end had a healthy baby boy. I've heard lots of different endo stories, depending on how your tubes are you could be fine and get pregnant normally, but there are other options if not. Good luck - it's really scary to hear these things at the start, but you just keep going and get through them!


Kristie - April 9

Hi well here is a very intresting story. Back in 1999 I had a cyst rupture on my RIGHT ovary. In 2000 I was having alot of pain so I had a laparoscopy done and I was diaginosed with endo. They went in and removed scar tissue and my LEFT ovaryand tube. In 2002 I was having more pain so I had another Lap. done and I was told they were unable to even get to my Right ovary because of the scar tissue I was told my bowels,uterus,intestines and ovary were in a ball with scar tissue holding them all together. They could see I had a cyst again on my Right ovary through an ultrasound. I did not have any surgery done at that time because of work and not having the time to take off. Plus Iwas wanting to find another doctor because I was wanting to have a baby and not wanting my other ovary removed so I went to have other opinions. Some doctors would tell me it would be possible to have a baby so I would not give up hope even though I had all of these problems. We ttc even though the odds were against us. I would buy those ovulation prediction test and they would say I was ovulating but I never got pregnant. Well this past August guess what????? I got pregnant with all of this scar tissue and Cyst plus I found out I have fibroid tumors on my uterus. (signs of infertility)When I got preg. we were not even trying anymore we had given up hope and was going to schedule the surgery in October. Now I have 5 weeks to go and our little girl will be here. I do have a 14 year old daughter and have not been pregnant in 14 years I am 35 years old with Endo. and I am pregnant so the answer to your question is YES you can get preg. with endo also with one ovary and tube (with a cyst) and thats the ovary that I had the cyst rupture on so it damaged.



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