Can someone answer this question??
4 Replies
matzgrl - May 26

My Dr. told me I need to chart my BBT. Where do i buy a BB Thermometer? Online? a drug-store?


chele - May 26

Matzgrl, you can buy online but then you have to wait, pay for shipping, etc... Do you live in the states? Yes a drug store in the States have it, or even a grocery story typically. Just go to the regular section of a Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Meijers, Rite Aid where you would find thermometers. They look just like the noraml ones but the package will say BBT.


matzgrl - May 26

Thank, Chele!! Do you know approximately how much one would cost?


Ky_la_02 - May 28

BBT's usually run under or around $10.00.


slowpoke01 - May 31

you can buy them at almost any drug store or wal mart or you can buy them online on ebay.



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