Can anyone tell me are you supposed to bleed after transfer?
2 Replies
Debbie Ofei - October 9

I had my first transfer Friday. The Doctor said I would have some spotting or bleeding this week but not to worry. Asof Today I haven't. Is this a bad sign. I go for my preg test this Friday. I have had some crampin but that is about all.


linds99 - October 9

No, My girl friend that got pregnant last month with IVF didn't "bleed" from her transfer, I just asked her about it to make sure, and she said she had two watery-pinkish spots on the undies the day of, that is it. I haven't done IVF yet, I have no personal experience with it, but I wish u well.


Debbie Ofei - October 9

Thank you This process is something else. Are you linds99 trying to get pregnant? If so I wish your luck also.



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