blood tests!
1 Replies
jennvish - June 27

hi everyone, I have a doc appointment July 3rd. My doc is going to do a test to check hormones to see if i ovulated. At this time if I was pregnant would it show up with a blood test? I started Provera to get my period, which arrived June 12th, then clomid to make me ovulate. I should be ovulating today. I did have symptons of EWCM most of last week though. Anyways, will it be possible to show If I am pregnant by my appointment time? Lots of baby dust..! :-)


slowpoke01 - June 28

i think that it would still be early to tell if you were pregnant i just had progesterone test last thursday and that was 6 days after ovulation and if yu ovulate today then that would make you 7 days past ovulation which wouldnt be enough time for implantation since implantatin takes like 8-12 days after ovulation and when imlantation occurs then thats when you get HcG hormone which shows pregnany hope i am making sence for you



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