I can offically test in a week, but I have noticed sore nipples, which are constantly hard! mild abdominal cramps(they don't really hurt, but I can feel them) my temp has stayed up and I have headaches, and Im so tired. also I have very lotion-y like cm... does this sound promising?? I worry Im imagining it, but thats alot to imagine!! My husband and I have been trying for over 3 years, and I just have a good feeling..... can anyone tell me if they have had these symptoms??? Thank you! *BABY DUST TO ALL!* Helayna
Helanya - I'm 30 weeks pregnant now following ICSI treatment after 3 years of ttc. I had many of those symptoms too - the cm, the hard nipples, the constant tiredness and massive abdominal pain. It sounds very promising to me!
I'm 8 wks pg and have hard nipples since 8 dpo. I also had mild cramps which I probably would have otherwise ignored if we weren't ttc. We tried for 40 months and for some reason 24 hrs after our IUI, I knew I was pg. I never felt that way in our previous 9 IUI attempts. Best Wishes!!! I hope this is it for you!
Thank you Justine and Lena, and congratulations on your pregnancies!!! I really hope I am. I never felt pregnant before, but I really feel like I am now... I need to not obsess over it, though!! I will play the waiting game, and time will tell!! Has anyone else had these symptoms, or others?? *baby dust*
Congratulations Lena. Its good to hear you're now pregnant too. You must be so excited!
Hi! I had the exact symptoms as you. I was a little dizzy too when I would get up from sitting or move to quickly. And I just found out yesterday i am preg!! So this could be a good sign for you!!! If you aren't preg this month I know of some herbal supplements that really help! I used them for my 1st after 2 1/2 years of trying to get preg. My son is now 2 years old. I used the herbs after my m/c in april. Now I am preg again! My email is [email protected]
Is there anyone else who can tell all their symptoms? I know this is the hardest part- WAITING!!! Have you had any symptoms that are unconventional?? Please share with those of us who are examining every possible sign or symptom! :) I know thats what Im doing now!!! :) thank you all!!! Helayna