anyone took class for injecting gonalF &ovidrel
2 Replies
aish - February 15

Hi, my RE told me to take class for injecting urself those injections ,i thot it is free but it costs $45.00.
is it difficult ,shud i take those classes or not


Elyse - February 15

NO WAY! It is the easiest thing in the world! One of the nurses in your Re's office should show you how - it really is a breeze. Don't waste the $. The injectables (Gonal-F) is easy and doesn't really hurt - you do it in the leg or the abdomen - a couple inches below the belly button to one side or the other. The Ovridel is a little different - it has to be intramuscular. Bacically the shot should go where the outside rivet on the back pocket of your jeans would be. Also, you can lstand straight, put your right thumb on your right hip bone, stretch your fingers out and reach your pinky around your hip. The shot goes right smack in the middle of that piece of flesh.


aish - February 16

thanx ,but my RE only told me to take class



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