Anyone testing Jan 30?
127 Replies
angelar1 - February 6

Yeah, I really will not take it again. After searching the internet, I am a little scared, I guess I should have NOT taken the Nyquil, but at the moment I just needed relief (not a very good mommy already huh?) Well just say prayers that everything will be alright. I will be thinking of all you!
Good night


Elyse - February 6

Angelar - please do not stress about the Nyquil. No biggie! The 1st few weeks most people don't even know they are pregnant and they do lots of stuff they are told not to do for the rest of the pregnancy and the babies are just fine! The best thing you can do now is to just enjoy the pregnancy. Relax, have massages, a glass of wine here and there and eat healthy and exercise. You are going to be a great mom!


angelar1 - February 7

Elyse: Did you have your scan on Sunday, how did that go? What is your next step?
Babygirl: how are you doing? I hope you didn't leave us!
I have still been sick, but I have been trying to stick it out and not take any meds. I am gradually getting better though!
I am a teacher of students with autism and today was such a stressful day. We had people in observing all day and it just wore me out..........I am so tired today!


Elyse - February 7

Angela - I worked with autistic kids for a semester in college - God Bless YOU! Very special work. I had another scan and bw today - follies look good 4 good ones on the left - 16, 17, 17 and 21. Trigger tonight and IUI tomorrow and Thurs.


Elyse - February 7

Angelar - I didn't mean to hit enter yet. I wanted to say I hope you feel better soon. I know it's hard not to take medicine, but you will get through.


Ashleyg - February 8

hi ladies...well i have been trying to read everyones posts since i've been gone. i guess on one hand, congratulations are in order and on the other, dont give up hope there is always next month. i went to the doc 2 days ago for a blood test to confirm my pregnancy. thankfully, it was still positive! i go next friday to get my first exam and hear a heartbeat. i am so nervous about this first trimester...i just hope everything goes as it is supposed to.


angelar1 - February 8

Ashleyg: glad you are back. I have an appointment next Thursday to confirm my pregnancy. I am nervous as well. The first trimester is scary.
Elyse: thank you for the encouraging words! Congrats on the good follies, hopefully the IUI will be successful!
I am feeling some better....but I am sooo very tired! I guess that comes with pregnancy huh? So, I guess I am thankful for being tired!



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