Anyone taking Clomid for the 4th month?
11 Replies
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone else has been on Clomid as long as I have with no success? I am on my 4th month. I am waiting to see if it worked this month, but I am not feeling any different, so I don't think it worked. Just wondering if anyone has any advice??
I just finished my 5th clomid cycle, and it was successful. When do you test?
Lena, I know I ovulated on the 5th-6th so I should get my pd around the 18th-19th. So, you took 5 cycles and it was successful? CONGRATS! That's wonderful! Did you take a progesterone supplement with it as well?
I was on clomid for 6 months before it workied for me, but miscarried. So now I am on my 4th month of clomid again and hoping that this is the month for me.
Sherie, I'm so sorry to hear that. How far along were you? Do you take any progesterone supplements? I have not yet and wonder if that is my problem. I hope this is the month for you again, too!
I'm not taking progesterone supplements. My levels were fine.
I was only 1 month along. As soon as I found out I was already miscarrying. No I did not do the progesterone. Does the clomid make you moody? Ah, it drives me crazy... I cry over being happy , sad, mad...... Very emotional. I think that we all can be a good support for eachother.
I tried 3 months of 50mg of clomid with no success. I'm on my 2nd month of 100mg of clomid plus I'm taking Metformin to help sensitize my ovaries. Good luck to you all.....Lots of baby dust....
Yes, the clomid makes me VERY moody. I am like you, cry over everything! I agree that we can be very good support for eachother. It sure does help to have people to talk to that really understand what you are going through! Thanks!!
Hi hon. Actually I just started Clomid last month after having a miscarriage 4 months ago (I would have been 6 months pregnant now) and tonight about an hour ago I did a home pregnancy test and the lines were light, but the plus sign was there. I will go for the blood test on Monday if I can get in. I am soooo scared about miscarriage happening again, and I hate to believe it will be true and go full term now. IAs for your other question, I didn't become moody (that I but my dr. told me that it does happen to some women. Well, I am off to post this in the miscarriage section area....this support group is the best here. Best of luck to everyone...kisses~
I just started my 2nd month of clomid today./
Hi I feel your frustration. I too, have been taking clomid for the fourth month with no results. I am taking a pregnancy test next Wednesday, however I dont feel differently or pregnant. I have had some cramping the last couple days but now "break through" bleeding or any other "signs/symptoms" . I am wondering what steps to take next? Any advice?