Welcomes to all classics and newcomers! Our thread has been around for going into 6 months and is about trust, kindness, sharing, love and above all - respect. We welcome everyone with open arms and hope that everyone can feel comfortable within our environment. If not, please say so so we can make every effort to help;) We wish to start July off a bit different and ask that everyone please remember that even though this is our retreat, our solice, our ventilation we should keep The Golden Rule in practice. BABYDUST, HUGS, KISSES and CHEERS - Love yas all!
| bl - July 18 |
Katt, thanks for the fresh start. I know I needed it! :)
Hope everyone finds us - that other one got a bit long. I tend to think 7 days is quite good, lol! The PC tech is supposed to call tomorrow - we'll see. DH is picking up wings for dinner vittles, yeah -no cooking for me! I do so miss everyone, not being able to check in all the time (whenever I want) is annoying and crappy. As a few of y'all said, this is my spot the one place I know I can count on the place I know y'all care and support me. I think it's awesome and props to pregnancy-info.net for doing this. Sorry I went all mushy, just seems I get wrapped up answering posts I don't always get my feelings out and I think this is occuring all around with us. But it's all good and there is so much loves to go around.............enough of the mush. I cut myself on the darned furnace changing the filter Sunday and damned if I didn't have to get tetnus shot yesterday - my arm still aches!! I hate those things! YIKES! Well I don't think I will get to check back in tonight so all of you have a wonderful evening and a great day tomorrow! Love yas! BABYDUST!
Katt, once again your words say it all . We needed a new thread. (BL) I hear ya we needed it. Love ya all!!!
So what CD is everyone on? I am on CD 18 today. I think I ovulated around the 12th. Gosh I hate the 2ww!!!
Anyone else have the same cycle as me?
Katt, we must have posted at the same time. I agree this is one place we go to for advice and understanding. You are one of the original posts on here. I no some people have been pissed off lately but honestly I dont want to hear this is and always has been a great thread. Probably one of the better ones on this forum. Like u said its great we have a place to come to. Get that PC fixed soon and enjoy your dinner. Dont worry about being too mushy we are all human and I get mushy too. I am thankful for such a wonderful group of girls that I have to turn to everyday.
<diem> CD30 for me. I O'd late this month. I see an RE every few weeks. Clomid and the trigger shot but I just got married and went on our honeymoon a couple of weeks ago. So this was a natural cycle for us. It screwed me up. So I am like 3 or 4 dpo and in the 2ww . SO I am keeping my fingers crossed that maybe a natural cycle worked for us this month.
| bl - July 18 |
Robyn, is the trigger shot to induce o?
| bl - July 18 |
Diem, I'm on cd 13 and just got+opk. Good luck in the 2ww.
Robyn, It sounds like we may be just about on the same page. Congrats on the marriage and honeymoon. Where did you go?
I keep seeing this abbreviation and I'm not sure what it is....RE....? Could you explain?
Let's all keep our fingers crossed. After lurking a while...it seems as though no one has had a BFP in a long time. Hopefully someone will be lucky this month!
BL... congrats on the + opk. Good luck!
Hey Hey!! Dh home and no wings, :( I guess the place was packed and he didnt want to deal with the crown after woking w/300 poeple I dont rightly blame him...anyhoo we ordered a pizza. So I had a couple mins to see how the htread is filling up...ROBYN_Thank you;) I thought we needed (i dont know what it is but as soon as i start typing on here my dh wont shut the hell up! LOL) Anyway, I felt a new thread might lighten the mood and I reposted the old message simply because...well that is obvious;) DIEM_ I have no idea what CD I am on, but I am supposedly starting AF Friday. She will come as I had to skip TTC this month. I am having laparosopy next friday the 28th. ANd my charts were on my PC and well I don't have access to it so this month is officially a bust. RE is Reproductive Endocrinologist - the infertility specialists. OH AND GIRLS...IF YOU'RE EMAILING ME i HAVE TO APOLOGISE AS AOL.COM IS A P.I.T.A ON THIS LAPTOP SO HANG IN THERE AND I'LL REPLY AS BEST I CAN. PRAY PC BACK TOMORROW!! This Laptop has low ram (192) and regular AOL doesnt load and to beat it all it's Windows ME! So you understand, heehee. babydust. dh wants on. cyas!
Hey girls. Found you. Just got home, got ot go feed my man, then I will read the posts on chapter 2 and be back to ya. (((((hugs))))
<diem> RE means Reproductive Endrocronologist (i.e. fertility specialist)
Katt I love pizza nights they are the best. Plus its my sons favorite. < Diem> we went to Key West for 2 weeks its our favorite place to do nothing but relax and spend money (LOL) yes it looks like we are similar in the 2ww.and its been quite a while since any BFP at least 3 months that I remember. (Someone correct me if I am wrong ).<bl> the trigger shot makes you O. They do an U/S on CD12 measure the follies and look at the uterine lining then they say come back CD13 do another U/S measure the follies and they are usually 2mm bigger than the night before. They determine you will ovulate usually that day. They tell me inject the trigger btw 7p-9p that night then bd the next 3 days. So now that I have rambled on YES to your question (LOL) and good luck on the +OPK <mommy2josh> glad u found us and How did the interview go? Anyway I have to go to work tonite so I will be checking in thru the evening . Luv to all of you.
| NB - July 18 |
***Warning, might be a long post!! (hee hee)*** Hey ladies! <KATT> Thanks for starting Chap 3, the other post was taking forever to load! I also usually post as I read, so like you said, some names might be mentioned twice! Just got back from walking again tonight. Trying to be really good. <NICOLEM> So far we really enjoy the Y. DS has been going there for almost 2 years for swimming lessons, and we finally decided to join. <MOMMY2JOSH> GL with the job interview! I will keep my fingers crossed for you! What a great opportunity. <SLOWPOKe> Good to hear from you, haven't seen you around in a while. I hope everything is going well. <SHAUNA> Sorry to hear you are leaving, and sorry to hear that you have some stuff going on. Remember we are hear for you. <DIEM> Welcome! <CMELISSA> My brother lives by Dallas Tx. I can't wait! I guess I am lucky about o early, but my cycles are kinda short too. I guess when it comes to af, there really is no way to win! :) <ROBYN> DH can't stand Chef Ramsey's attitude. He said he couldn't work for someone like that. I think it is pretty funny. He has been lucky and has always had pretty good head chef's. He will be that hopefully someday soon, as he is assistant head chef now at one of our local country clubs. He really enjoys it, but it is crazy hours as well. <DIEM> I live in Lakeland, Florida, so I understand what you mean about it being HOT, especially lately for some reason! <ROBYN> Speaking of hurricanes, I get nervous too, we got hit pretty hard a couple of years ago.... Supposedly there is another tropical storm lurking out there that just started this afternoon. GREAT. <KATT and ROBYN> Thanks for the kind words, it definately helps some of us newer ones feel welcomed! I feel the same way, and as I said before, I haven't been here very long, but you all have made me feel welcomed and comfortable here. Sometimes when some say they feel overwhelmed with the amount of people, I start to feel out of place, but there are some of you that really help make me feel comfortable, and I truly thank you for that! OK, like KATT said, enough of the mushy stuff! Sometimes can't help it! :) <DIEM> I am on CD 10, so I should be O real soon. I usually O around CD 13 or 14... GL with the 2ww! <ROBYN> GL with the 2ww also! <BL> You are officially in the 2ww also, GL! <KATT> If I don't remember next week, GL with your lap, I will be thinking about you. <ROBYN> All my son will eat most of the time is pizza! Well, I think I got everyone. PS... I got another partial fern pattern tonight with the saliva thing. Still not sure if that means I am currently ovulating, or if it gives the fern pattern before hand.... Does anyone know? My temps have stayed normal, no rise yet. Hum...
I"M BAAAAAAAAAAACK. LOL. BL awesome on the + opk. I wish I had those :(. NB you are not a newbie anymore, and I hope that you never feel neglected. Sometimes its hard to respond to all, I am finding myself not being able to concentrate the last few days. By the time I read all the posts I forget who wrote what and have to go back and re-read. But I do remember you all and keep you close to my heart. I get calls from some girlfriends who complain that I stopped calling. I relate better to you and very strongly feel that when we all get our BFP's (and we all will------SOON) we need to stage a meeting someplace fun. VEGAS BABY. Would that be cool or what. KATT babe, you need to go ahead and finish your books. Do you write fiction? (I am not nuts right, I could have sworn that I read in your earlier posts that you write) All you ladies who are going away, have fun and come back to us soon. Christie seems to have disappeared again. TAMMY where are you? NB, dh's niece and I wanted to join the local Y and they hit us with a $968 annual rate. I said WHAT? R U CRAZY. Anyway. I didn't have my interview yet. Most likely it will be scheduled for Thursday. I have applied for an administrative position. Starting salary for a secretary is about 43K+unlimited overtime, sick days, personal days, paid vacation, medical & dental benefits. Awesome maternity benefits. They give 8K a year for school, so I can finally get a degree in something or other :) I am a highschool dropout. There are advantages to working for large corporations. My current job is a bit oppressive, as my manager is truly CERTIFIABLE. She needs therapy. BRB
WOW, that was kinda long. Sorry. May be I'll check in later. Thanks for all the GL wishes. DIEM, I dont know what cd I am on. My last menses lasted 26 days, do I was not sure where to count from :). Love ya all. ((((((((((hugs))))))))))