Anyone here have O negative blood type /trying to conceive?
1 Replies
Jennifer - August 20

I really just need to vent. I just had a miscarriage and I was 8 weeks along. I found out my blood type is O neg, which can cause some issues. My hcg level didn't go up like it was supposed to and I have not had an MP since June 17. I bled for one day in July which I assume was me miscarrying, but my doctor is not helping me. SHe told me to relax and it will happen.. yeah right. I am tired of relaxing. We have been ttc for a year now and I finally thought it would work out, but it didn't. Now I am scared I will never be pregnant again, and I have no idea when I am ovulating or when I will get AF again. I still have all the symptoms of pregnancy and they are not going away. I told my doctor I want to be referred to a specialist but she is hesitant. It is soo frustrating. I have just recently found this forum and it is so nice to read stories from women who are experiencing the same thing. Good luck to all the ladies here.


melissa - August 20

Hey...I am in the same boat as you..I have o - blood also. I have been trying to get prego for about 8 months. On the good side of it, I did have a little girl 8 yrs ago. So, if you have never concieved before the type blood should not really affect anything. I did not have any complications. Good Luck...Melissa



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