Anyone having IUI this month???
63 Replies
gmh - December 12

HI, just thought it was kind of funny, Hopeful2411. If your BW and US go good our IUI will proably be on the same day I am looking at the 24 or 25. First it with injuction and IUI hopeful that this will work... Good luck to all !!!!


hopeful2411 - December 12

gmh it is always nice to have someone share the same cycle with you. My family has agreed to wake up really early so that we can do christmas morning like normal then i can go to the doctor. The worst part about it is that i acctually have to work in the night time no matter what. I think i will take off tuesday. Let me know how things go for you. I just have to hope for mo cyst tomorrow. good luck


Georgiatoo - December 12

Hi everyone - Hopeful & gmh - how exciting - I think a Christmas morning IUI would be more exciting than Santa Claus coming. I love IUI day - so much hope! We have an appointment next Monday with our new re - we've looking forward to our third (and last) IUI in January. We kind of decided on a money limit and if we do injectables we'll be getting close to the max. I wish you guys lots of baby dust this month!!



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