Anyone doing IUI for 1st time this month and want to wait me
6 Replies
| Edy - October 9 |
I started my injections today. I am taking Lupron for 12 days or so and then starting on Follistim, HCG trigger and then IUI. I made 4 Follies with Clomid, but my LH is too high to make really good eggs. I am very hopeful that this will work. Anyone else going through the same thing?
| Edy - October 9 |
Sorry -The title of the question was supposed to be -wait with me......
Edy, I just had my first IUI this past Wed. I had 3 large follicles and one that was 18. So you had an IUI or you are about to? What did your dr say about your chances with 4?
| Edy - October 9 |
Toni- I hope your IUI went well. Are you on meds? If so what kind? This is my 1st month doing IUI. I have PCOS so RE thinks that the Lupron will make my eggs a better quality.I think I had low chance with 4 last cycle because I was on Clomid and had no Cevical mucous and we did not do IUI, just HCG trigger. He was trying to see what my hormones were going to do because that was my 1st month on Clomid also. I have faith that it will work. I will have my IUI around the last week in October. I pray it works. My sister-in-law got pg on her 1st IUI last year and I have a beautiful niece. So at least I know that my RE knows what he is doing. That is great that you had 3 large Follicles well really 4 b/c 18mm could fertilize. Good Luck. Hope to hear from you soon!!!!
Edy- This was my first round with clomid (50 mg. days 3-7) and then I did Ovidrel. I am now on prog supps. The good thing about IUI is you can skip the cm! I usually don't notice mine, but I actually had the good kind this month. So I am praying that the cm, clomid and IUI does the trick! Keep me posted on your follicles etc. I hope it works for both of us!
Hey Edy, I think you were on the other thread, IUI gals - 2 week wait, anyway, I was thinking about you today and wondering how you were progessing. Glad to hear you are doing good. Good luck with the Lupron... Babydust
| Edy - October 10 |
Het Tonya- Thank you for asking. Injections going good. No side effects yet, but they sure do hurt. I am just a chicken with needles. Toni- How are you today? Are you having any symptoms? Good luck to both of you!!!