Anybody taken Prometrium vaginally before?????
6 Replies
MaryG - March 21

M/c about 2 months ago due to low pregesterone levels. Dr gave me prometrium 200mg twice a day, suppose to start taking them 'VAGINALLY' next week. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to make this process go by easier. The only thing my dr suggested was to use a tampon applicator to insert the pill and to wear a pad b/c its messy. Also
what times (morning and before bed??) did you find worked best? I work 8 hours a day. Any feedback is appreciated!!!!!!!


Justine1 - March 21

Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I found it best to take them at night as they leak so its best to stay lying down for 20 mins or so afterwards.


MaryG - March 22

Thanks Justine! I'm finally starting to feel like myself again. I hope the prometium does the trick!! It seems like a hassle but its more than worth it if it helps me stay pregnant! Did you have any side effects from the Prometrium, I hear it can make you tired?????


Justine1 - March 22

I don't remember any side effects. The first trimester in pregnancy makes you very tired anyway - I just took it for 2 weeks but was tired all first trimester. I do have a baby girl though! Its definately worth it if it keeps you pregnant.


kathy - March 23

Are you taking the pill form vaginally? I take prometrium but orally before bed. I haven't heard of taking it vaginally.


kathy - March 23

I just looked around the internet and see that some women have done it that way. I hope it works for you. Babydust!


MaryG - March 23

Kathy ---yes, I will being taking Prometrium (FDA approved to use orally)
VAGINALLY b/c my doctor said you get all the benefits w/o the nasty side effects usually caused by taken it orally. I know this is very confusing. I was orinally prescribed Prochieve vaginal gel but since my insurance wouldn't cover it (300.00 for a months supply) I started reasearch via internet on all the different types of progesterone. The only progesterone my insureance covers is Prometrium. I explained everything to my doctor and she agreed to try me on the Prometrium VAGINALLY. So I will start the Prometrium 2 days after I ovulate (any day now). Sounds weird I know! LOL! But I will do whatever it takes to have a baby! Thanks for the babydust! I wish the best for you too!



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