Anybody ovulating this week and want to wait together?
1371 Replies
Becca - August 16

I've been TTC for 3.5 years but have been seeing an RE for 6 months, today the doctor told me I have a few mature eggs so to use the hcg to enduce ovulation and have intercourse these next few days. I am really hoping that this is the month. I just hate that we use hcg because it gives me the pregnancy symptoms. Anyways, BABY DUST to all of us!!!


Becca - August 16

oh yeah C-you are probably ovulation now, take another OPK if you have one and if not, Try again- it doesn't hurt to keep trying if you have already ovulated =)


anonymous - August 17

baby dust to you all, good luck, i am waiting too, this is the worst part is the waiting


Alycia - August 17

It's SO HARD TO WAIT!!!! Now that I know for sure I ovulated Monday, I'm dying here. At least I'm not imagining symptoms yet... that'll start this weekend, I'm sure!


Angie - August 17

Hey ladies, I o on or 10. BD the 9,10,11, and 12. Having a lot of symptoms - feeling sick, i actually threw-up yesterday and today. I have this pressure or pulling in my lower pelvic area (feels like a cramp). And my nipples are sore. AF isn't due until wed 08/24. I do have a little concern about if i really conceived this month or not, because with all my pregnancies i had implantation bleeding, and usually i experience it about the 21 day of my cycle. So far i had nothing yet, actually the cum is real dry and thick. Has anyone else had any symptoms like this?


Becca - August 18

Well, I could feel the ovulation today. I can always feel it because it is a wierd crampy feeling, So hopefully it all works. I am feeling all the preg. symptoms, from my hcg injection, I just hope that this month they get stronger because that will mean I am pregnant. BABY DUST!!!


Alycia - August 18

Angie - sounds like some really good signs. And every pregnancy is different, so I wouldn't worry too much about the absence of spotting. Becca - you must go doubly crazy since you can't tell at all by symptoms (or lack thereof)! Best of luck to you all.


Becca - August 19

Well, usually by now my sense of smell has gone down, but it was still very strong today! I feel like someone is pushing against the inside of my abdomen. Isn't it too early to feel implantation since I just ovulated yesterday?


Alycia - August 19

Becca - I've never heard of implantation occurring before 5 dpo. I think it's most common between 8 and 10 dpo. I know how you feel, though, I keep thinking I'm feeling stuff on my right side and I'm only 4 dpo.


Becca - August 20

So I checked online at to see where my pregnancy would be at (go to preconception then due date calculator, put the info in and when it says how far along you are click on learn more about this stage) It has some really neat info. It tells you exactly what is going on this week and what you might feel. Alycia-you were right about when implantation occurs, around day 6, but anyways, they say many women can actually feel the egg and sperm "meshing" so those of us that have been having slight pain...hopefully. BABY DUST to everyone!


Stacy - August 20

new user ill wait with you for the next two week for me too


TO STACY - August 20



Alycia - August 20

Becca - when can you accurately test? I've heard you can get false positives for awhile after an hcg injection. I'll probably test as early as next weekend even though af isn't due until Monday.


Becca - August 21

Well, it depends on the amount injected, for me, 2 weeks, but then my doctor does a blood test and depending on how much hcg there is they do another one in 48 hours to verify because even after 2 weeks some women can get false positives. Yeah, if you use a really sensitive test you should be able to know by then but if it is negative just don't give up hope until you actually start because every woman creates hcg at a different rate


Alycia - August 22

How's everybody feeling? I've had a somewhat crampy/heavy feeling since yesterday, and it was especially noticeable on my walk this morning. Hopefully this is a good sign, as I'm 7 dpo. Other than that, nothing. No sore boobs, tiredness, or nausea. I suppose a lot of people don't feel that stuff for a few weeks, though. Keep me posted, everyone!


Becca - August 23

Well, my boobs hurt like crazy but it is hard to tell if it is from the injection or a good sign of pregnancy, Chris you had your p/t today, right? So???



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