Any one PG w/ 1 follicle, low sprem, IUI
1 Replies
Jen - August 20

Just wondering if I really have a chance. Had IUI but only 1 follicle. Also this time DH only had 3 million sprem after wash. Had an IUI and ovulated the next day.


Cee Bee - August 20

Dear Jen, I just completed 4 cycles of IUI, and each time I only had one follicle. One healthy good sized follicle is all that is required and in fact my clinic made sure you were aware of "the risks" if there were two follicles as this could produce twins etc with all its extra complications. So don't be worried there was "just one" follice - that's the norm. With regards to the sperm count, I would imagine that sperm count itself wouldn't be a problem considering they are placing "the boys" (as I like to call them) close enough to the action - so they don't have far to go - and remember, it only takes one!! So try and think positive and good luck with the results......



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