any good fertility suppliments
1 Replies
Kenetria - November 17

Any suggestions for products that will increase odds for conception? I've heard there are some organic formulas(possibly at GNC?)to help with getting pregnant.Anybody know?


Molly - November 17

I bought, & tried, Fertility Blend for Women from GNC. (As far as I know I don't have any fertility on month 2 of ttc). However, after taking FB for 6 or 7 days my breasts became extremely tender, so I stopped taking it. Well, then about 5 days later on CD 18 AF showed up...10 days too early! So I'm not sure if FB did anything to my hormonal balance or what. I asked my dr. about it & he said that he had never heard of it. Not sure if this helps or not, but just wanted to let you know about my experience.



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