Any Advice on Low Sperm Count?
9 Replies
yev - April 14

Hi ladies, my husband and I finally got pregnant after trying on and off for 12 months. We found out the day before Valentines Day this year that I was pregnant!! I did a whole lot of blood tests around the 10th month and everything came back normal, so my hb did a sperm test in the 11th month. We actually got pregnant before getting my hb's results back saying that his sperm counts were a little on the low end even though they were still active. We were indeed very very thrilled when the pregnancy test actually showed 2 distinct pink lines!! Unfortunately I had a missed miscarriage and d&c on March 17th and hoping to try again after 2 or 3 periods. As we're both over 30, we'd like to get as healthy and as prepared as we possibly can before trying again. My husband wears boxers and never wears tight pants. We're also both now taking multi-vitamin. Does anyone have any advice on how to increase his and my fertility?


Val - April 14

hi Yev- I'm sorry about your loss. I had a mc in August '05 and we've been trying with no luck to get pg again for about 8 months. We went in to see my ob/gyn and she suggested that my hb get his sperm tested. She did suggest having sex every other day starting 4-6 days before ovulation until about 4 days after ovulation. She said not to do it every day as the quantity definitely decreases. Did the clinic you went to for testing suggest anything? Best of luck to you...


yev - April 15

val, congratulations with your pregnancy!! best of luck and hope everything goes perfectly well! i just pray it'll be easier for us to get pregnant the next time. my dr also suggested similar things, and i found out in some readings that zinc increases male fertility. i wish things could just be easy for us... some ppl get pregnant from having sex ONCE!!! well at the moment i'm still bleeding from my d&c, i cant wait for it to end so we can start trying again!


nic - April 20

He should take Zinc, Vitamin E and Vitamin C - that's what my DH's doctor said.


NicoleM - April 20

I'm very sorry about your m/c. We just started using Pre-Seed this past cycle. I don't know if it will help, but it's supposed to be a sperm-friendly lubricant. It actually has nutrients that are supposed to help support the sperm. If he has a low count it might help to use something like this, especially if you normally use a different kind of lube or saliva (which I've heard is a great sperm-killer).


Chas - April 29

Hi yev, I am in the same boat as you ! Sounds almost identical. I too, just had a D&C and want to start trying again asap. We are both 30 and dh's sperm was low .. but he now takes 50mg zinc, mens multi-vit and vit C. I am hoping and praying we will be able to get pregnant again soon. How long did you wait to have sex again ? my doc said wait 2 wks until he checked me out, but I feel fine and we waited only 8 days. I am doing nothing to prevent pregnancy. My doc says the only reason they say wait one cycle is to better date the pregnancy. I really don't care, as long as I am pregnant !!! Good luck to you!


crystal74 - April 29

this is a silly question beware--- since saliva can kill sperm, is it not a good idea to "fourplay" before intercourse??? we usually go down on each other before, is this bad? i know this is way TMI but just curious and we're all adults here right?>>!!!


isa - April 29

crystal from what I have read it is not good to have oral sex when trying to conceive. I'm sure people have gotten pregnant and have done that but if you are already having difficulties I would abstain from it during the ovulation week.


Katt - April 29

Hi yev, there's a great vitamin plan which should include about 200mg Zinc (my dh takes 400-200am/200pm), Flaxseed, Selenium, E, 1500-2000mg C, A as Beta Carotene, L-Carnitine, L-Arginine, oh and can't forget the B100! Yeah it's a lot but my dh would rather try this than be poked and proded. I am currently on cd23 and 11dpo w/spotting yesterday and today af due in 7 days. My dh is rather negative about his swimmers so I just keep my mouth shut except to remind him to take his pills, LOL


Katt - April 29

oh and do the same for yourself except axe the L-arg & Carn and decrease zinc to about 60mg/day



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