Anxious to know if pregnant, but scared for a "no"
5 Replies
Lee Ann - October 4

New to this site, love what I've read and how supportive everyone is. My hubby and I conceived 3 years ago, but had a miscarriage in first trimester. (He just went into remission after a stem cell transplant earlier this year.) Found a site called "Your Days" and we had a good time before and after. Friday I would get twinge cramping (nothing to strong) and it's been that way off & on all weekend.
I feel a little bloated (nothing big) and just mild pressure on one side of my utereus. Going through hot flashes (which is not like me), but my period isn't due for another week. Tried a otc test, but negative (too early I think). Scared to call the doctor, but I'm anxious to know. Help? Advice?


KSM - October 4

really it's just a waiting game, a miserable waiting game. i'd try again 4-5 days before you af. good luck to you


Lee Ann - October 4

What is "af"?


T - October 5

af = aunt flow


dd - October 5

i was told not to use the otc until 14 days after ovulation to get an accurate but i always try earlier. Are you temping? Your temps will stay up if you are pg . the 2 weeek wait (2ww) is a killer welcome to our world!


Lee Ann - October 6

Haven't been taking temp (new to all of this). Saw dr this morning, stick says no, but had blood drawn anyways. Symptoms are there, we'll see. I should find out tom. am what the blood says. Praying hard. Thought I was past this and resolved, but guess not.



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