Another difficult day
6 Replies
wannabeamom - March 1

I am having another bad day. It started when my friend who has a 4-month old sent me an email. She is a good mommy. So I am happy for her but it is hard sometimes to express that. I am also waiting for AF this Sunday. I am sure it will come. I took a test yesterday and it was negative. I don't know if it was too soon or what. But I think AF is coming. I know this feeling will pass. I have been trying to stay positive and relaxed. I started doing light exercises and stretching to help. I have also been having having strange dreams for the past 4 nights. Frightening dreams. I was literally crying when I woke up I was so scared. I take progesterone starting day 17 and I wonder if this helps make me feel this way. It definately makes me wonder if any symptom could be a sign of pregnancy. I constantly have to remind myself that it could be the progesterone. I feel like I am rambling. My husband is good support. I just don't know. Please, I need words of support today.


Melissa T - March 1

Hey there, maybe you should put in your fav. movie with your fav. jammies and a cup of tea and light a candle and just RELAX. I have been doing the same thing to myself, expecting AF tommarow and praying the witch doesn't show up, but I have the black cloud over my head,so she will be here. ? My progesterone levels were kinda low, did your doc put you on that? Feel better okay!


Mega - March 1

Hang in there. This is tough stuff. Everything you're feeling is "normal," we probably all can relate. I like Melissa T's idea of pampering yourself with a cup of tea & watching your fave. movie. I hope that you just tested too early. Good luck with everything, I hope your day is coming, soon. Good luck to you too Melissa T, hopefully the witch will bypass you this month too.


wannabeamom - March 1

Thank you for your support. I hope AF doesn't come. My progesterone levels are low. So I take the progesterone until AF or for the 1st trimester. Whichever happens. Goodluck.


wannabeamom - March 1

Thanks Mega. I appreciate you helping me feel "normal" because I feel crazy. I know it will pass, but going through it sucks!!!


Mega - March 1

:) You're welcome. Yeah, those feelings will pass on their own, but that's little comfort for when you're experiencing them firsthand, huh?! And I'm sure the Prog. supplements are helping matters. I've heard the s/e from them are maddening. I was supposed to take them after my last IUI but it got cancelled b/c I became Clomid resistant. That was crazy making too. :)


jcr - March 1

Hang in there! We have ALL felt that way. I took progesterone and it was pretty hard on me for a while. My new RE is giving me a progesterone compound suppository. It is great! Hasn't given me any side effects that I can tell. Something you may want to ask your Dr about?? Goodluck, and sometimes AF symptoms are also pg symptoms so you never know!!



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