am i pregnant?
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Kirk2Be7/30/05 - June 2

well i stated bleeding 6 days early and i was having like a normal period except it hurt much worse and the day i started i i threw up some yellow and clear stuff and everyone says it because my stomache was empty but that wasnt true because i had eat.. and the bleading lasted for maybe 3 or 4 days and then i started having verry light pink when i wipe and alot of brown discharge and i have been cramping so much i took 4 hpt but the were from th dollar general for a dollar a peice and they were all neg and i dont know it its too early to tell or not.. today is the 31 and it is the day i was suppose to start my period but it come on the 26! does anyone here think i am preg and need to go to the doc?



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