am i an idiot?
3 Replies
KSM - September 22

i'm just starting with this website, but sometimes i don't understand the acronyms that you all use? dh, af, etc.. can someone please explain to this newbie!!


mama-bean - September 22

dh = Dear Husband, af = Aunt Flow ( your period)


Faye - September 22
know if this link will work but it has all abbreviations on the page. Just copy it and put in address bar if you cant go straight to it .


Faye - September 22

If it dont work !!
Pregnancy & Baby home

Fertility abbreviations

Make sure you know your A/F from your DPO, with our guide to fertility board lingo
2WW Two-week wait
A/F Aunt Flo (your period)
AH Assisted hatching
AI Artificial insemination
AIH Artificial insemination by husband
ART Assisted reproductive technique
BBT Basal body temperature
BCP Birth control pills
BD Baby dance (sex)
BET Blastocyst embryo transfer
BFN Big fat negative
BFP Big fat positive
BICA British Infertility Counselling Association
CBAVD Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens
CD Cycle day
CM Cervical

CP Cervical position
CVS Chorionic villae sampling
D&C Dilation and curettage
DE Donor eggs
DI Donor insemination
DPO Days post-ovulation
DPR Days post-retrieval
DPT Days post-transfer
EC Egg collection
EDD Estimated due date
ENDO Endometriosis
EPO Evening primrose oil
ERPC Evacuation of retained products of conception
ET Embryo transfer
EWCM Eggwhite cervical mucus
FER Frozen embryo replacement
FET Frozen embryo transfer
FP Follicular phase
FSH Follicle stimulating hormone
GIFT Gamete intra-fallopian transfer
H/B Heartbeat
HCG Human chorionic gonadotropin
HFEA Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority
HPT Home pregnancy test
HRT Hormone replacement therapy
HSC Hysteroscopy
HSG Hysterosalpinogram
ICSI Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection
I N UK Infertility Network UK
IPS Imaginary pregnancy symptoms
IUI Intra-uterine insemination
IVF In vitro fertilisation
LAH Laser assisted hatching
LAP Laparoscopy
LH Luteinising hormone
LMP Last menstrual period
LP Luteal phase
LPD Luteal phase defect
MA Miscarriage association
M/C Miscarriage
MESA Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration
M/W Midwife
NIAC National Infertility Awareness Campaign
OI Ovulation induction
OV Ovulation
OHSS Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
OPK Ovulation predictor kit
PCO Polycystic ovaries
PCOS Polycystic ovary syndrome
PCT Post-coital test
PESA Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration
PG Pregnant
PI Primary infertility
PID Pelvic inflammatory disease
PMS Pre-menstrual syndrome
POF Premature ovarian failure
SA Sperm analysis
SANDS Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society
S/B Stillbirth
SI Secondary infertility
STD Sexually transmitted disease
TESA Testicular sperm aspiration
TET Tubal embryo transfer
TTC Trying to conceive
U/S Ultrasound
ZIFT Zygote intra-fallopian transfer



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