af due 12/11, feeling crappy. anyone else?
4 Replies
chrysti - December 7

So, i am on cd 32. I'm due for af this saturday or sunday. I feel like she's really coming. Has anyone felt so sure, but then got BFP? I would like to remain hopeful. I have a headache and moderately crampy.


Mega - December 7

I'm still waiting for my BFP, but I can tell you I've read several success stories where women have said they thought for sure AF was right around the corner, but then they get their BFPs. Hopefully that's what's going on with you. Good luck! Feeling crampy could be a real good sign. I'm also due soon for AF--it's due Friday. I'm the opposite of you though. Usually my bbs would be really sore & I'd have a zillion other signs. Obiviously though, the sore bbs end up just being an AF sign. Today, only 2 days from AF, my bbs aren't sore at all. My usual AF chocolate cravings have been replaced with salt cravings. I'm hoping this lack of signs may be a good sign, but I'm trying not to get too excited. Anyway, good luck. I hope we both get those BFPs this month. Hang in there! Thankfully our 2 ww is almost done!


chrysti - December 7

i'm also more "regular" if you know what i mean. could this mean something?


Mega - December 7

If this "regularity" is unusal for you, I'd say it could be a sign. Every woman is different, so is every pregnancy.


chrysti - December 7

yah, my usual regularity is maybe twice a week. now, wtmi, it's at least once a day. i am seriously reaching for some symptoms.



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