sharp pain?
4 Replies
Helayna - August 25

This evening I was just sitting in bed with my husband and I felt this really sharp pain in my right ovary. It really hurt, like maybe something burst or something. But then it was gone after the sudden pain. What could this be? Did I ovulate? (probably wishful thinking) Any suggestions as to what it could be would be GREAT!!!!! thanks! Helayna


confused 2 - August 26

I sort of looking for some advice on the same thing, a week or so after i ovulated I had this SHARP pain on my right side that constantly hurted for about 3 hrs. straight and that was it. It got to the point to where I was unable to sleep throughout the night and it made me cry for a few minutes. If anyone have any info on what this could be please post it THANK YOU !!!!!!


sunset - August 26

Are you taking clomid?


KellyN - August 26

Could be ovulation, but my ovulation pains feel more like af with some pains in the ovaries area. Maybe it is an ovarian cyst popping?


T - August 26

How do you know if you are ovualating?? Can you ovualate if you have irregular periods?? If so what can you use to tell when you're ovualating??



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