Here it is! Let's hope the rest of us are lucky!!!
I am the first one to arrive!!!! Yay!!!!
| d - July 11 |
don't forget to see our old posts for the today that are on the other thread.. lol.
I am the 2nd.. hehehe. YES WE ALL WANT +++++++++++'s and lots of them
hiya...can I join in on your thread? I've been reading it for a while (and wishing you all well!) and could use some positive vibes... I'm 36, had a mc last August 3rd (my dh's b-day - aaaah!) and have been ttc ever since. I'm on my first month of clomid, but my dh works out of town a lot, so we didn't get to bd as much as necessary this month (damn!) I was trying to just assume I'm not pg now (I'm 11dpo) but I had a very irritable/depressed day and rum and lemonade was the only thing that helped! Anyway, I hope I'm not buttiing in, but I've been on other threads where everyone is pg now, and while I'm super happy for them, I'd like to talk with some women around my same age and on the same wave length. Anyway, I'll stop rambling and wish everybody a good night (I'm in the US, in Oregon).
Hi Val, welcome! You are not butting in at all. And let me tell you, rum and lemonade sounds good. Just to recap for you. I am 36 TTC#1, I had unexplained infertility, did 3 failed clomid cycles, passed all exams, just had a laparoscopy on Friday and they found all sorts of stuff going on. So now, I am no longer unexplained and clean as a whistle! Oregon is so beautiful. I am in a completely different environment.....S.Florida. Well, again, welcome.....make yourself at home. Everyone here is so cool and most have been around for about 8 months, so we know eachother pretty well, but always love new friends!
Val, I also meant to add that I am sorry about your miscarriage, but there is lots of hope! We are here to see you through those irritable days....Lord knows we have them!
| d - July 11 |
Val. Everything Tracy said!! and I too am sorry to hear about that miscarriage. I am 27 and ttc #1 for 12 months I think it is now. My reg ob has done ultrasounds and test and so far so good I am ok but I am working on getting to the infertility specialists but my dh is fussy over it to an extent. (i think it is a matter of his pride) LOL. I can joke all I want but Every month we fail. and this month I am not thinking about it just trying to be here for all the ladies for support. All of us here get along great!. I think my one of my nieces is coming to visit for the next few days. I will be around today as far as I know. ANYONE know where LORI has been I sure hope she is ok.
hello.....well, went to old post to read and then moved over here. D, you are so very welcome for the "schedule". i can only hope and pray it brings you and EMM good luck also. glad the BDing is getting better and not so one-leg. no romantic proposal to share here. one day while we were in my house, dh just turned and said, "you wanna get married?" i thought he was joking and told him when he was serious to look me up and then we would talk. he looked all sad and said he was serious. EMM, glad to see a new chapter and lets see how many ++++ we get this go around. you, D, TRACY and CC are next. hope you got the deed done. i am telling you girls...preseed helps out on those days where you just don't think you can do it. i have to tell you something funny...on saturday, dh asked if he could get a little...i told him i was not sure i could and he asked if i could put a little bit of that magic spread on (preseed). i busted out laughing and told him nope...nothing going in which may have a potential to harm baby. i had to laugh. how is Kaelen? CC, what is happening. did you get all your questions answered from the RE? how was dh hockey game and dinner? i believe we are going to dinner tomorrow for our anniversary. i am thinking Olive Garden but afraind when we get there i won't wanna eat what they have. oh well. LORI, any verdict on the bike trip? how is our little Johnny doing? JCR, any baby update? how is Ryley? SHAUNA....what is happening? haven't had an update in a while. ANDREA?????? Also, welcome VAL. these girls are GREAT!!!!! I was lucky enough to get my BFP in May and they have not kicked me to the curb. i just love them and they will offer lots of support. check back later....going to attempt to tackle some of the future nursery today. ugh.
Hi everybody! Welcome to our wonderful thread VAL! These ladies are great! I am not ttc anymore (DH & I got our miracle in the form of a 2 yr. old boy named Johnny that we are adopting). But, I WON'T give up on these ladies! I am here to cheer them on every step of the way!! So, I am more than happy to be here for you too!! TRACY - it sounds like you are healing quickly. It took me about a month to get back to "normal". But, I had about 20 - 30 holes covering my belly, which I never really got an answer as to why. I still have some of the scars from them!! CONGRATULATIONS for kicking that nasty habit!! LYNN - Working on the nursery sounds like so much fun! What theme (like I really have to ask) are you doing?? Oh, the potty chair I got Johnny is Winnie the Pooh!! He actually picked it out. CC - are you all straigtened out with meds and protocol?? You are lucky to be so near the beach! The closest thing we have to that is called "Mosquito Lake", it doesn't sound that inviting, but it is actually nice there. D & EMM - are you both still in the BDing phase?? JCR, SHAUNA & ANDREA - Please check in and let us know how you all are doing!! As for what is going on around here, we are going on our bike trip Friday & Saturday (that is when there will be NO rain). Thursday, we are going to spend the day at the County Fair (the only other rain free day). So far we have gotten about 3 - 4 inches with more expected. It is not steady but when it comes down it is in buckets!! Johnny is doing well. He is totally into dancing, it is just too cute!! I am waiting a little longer on the potty training. He just wants to climb into the bath tub when we go into the bathroom! Other than that, my life is pretty uneventful these days. Check in again when I can. Have a good day!
Welcome Val. I guess following suit I will give a brief history as well. I was EMM until they made me actually become a member. So, everyone still calls me that because it is easier. Anyway, I am 25. I live in Gainesville, GA just outside of Atlanta. My husband is 28, and we have a son, Kaelan, who just turned 2 in June. We were under the impression that DH's chances at children were low. We got pregnant when we weren't trying. We weren't practicing any safety though either. Now we have been trying to get pregnant for about 16 months. We thought it would be harder than the average couple, but since we did it before we thought we could do it again. After a year DH went for a checkup. SA came back at 2 million. We just recently visited a RE who specializes in male infertility. So we are waiting for blood work to come back, and we still have to schedule another SA and an ultrasound. Once those are all complete then we will get the proper diagnosis and the REs treatment options. He did tell us that we still have a 25 to 30 percent chance of conceiving on our own again at some point. So we just keep on BDing. We have about 2 more days to go. We missed yesterday and Saturday. But, 4 times in the last 6 days is acceptable to me. Hoping for positives all around this month.
Hi all! Sorry it has been so long! I am loosing energy fast and Ryley sucks any extra I have out!! Yesterday we went to a friends house and both of us were in the pool for 3 hours, now I know why whales live in the water!! It felt soo good to be weightless! I have gained about 17 lbs so far, I am right where I should be I think (not that I wouldn't like it to be less, but oh well!) This is my last week of 2nd trimester. Baby is moving like crazy-she wakes me up at 5am every morning kicking! Ryley is doing well, in the heart of the terrible 2's, but I heard 3's are worse and we are getting close to 3. I can't believe how fast it goes. Val welcome. Here is my history. I am 38 , ttc #1 (Ryley) 5 years, no help-got pg 2 days before appt with RE! TTC #2 1 1/2 years. Had one m/c april 05. They suck, I am sorry about yours. Got pg after 1 failed round of clomid, 6 months of metformin, 4 months of accupuncture, the first round of femara and hcg shot did the trick! I never knew when or if I ovulated! Everyone here is wonderful. I am hear to cheer the others to the bfps!!! Tracy, sounds like you are healing well, I am so glad they got all your pipes cleaned out! What a relief. D, are you in the 2ww yet? Lynn, how are you and your bump feeling? CC, you should be starting your AF now right? Emm and Lori, hope the boys are doing well! Lori, glad your going on the motorcycle trip! You need to stay close to dh, it is hard with a wee one in the house! I feel like dh and I are on different planets most days. Emm, BD like crazy!! Gotta run, one of Ryley's friends is going to be here any minute and I am in my pj's!! Hugs and I like the new thread!
| d - July 11 |
JCR-yep i am sure I am on my tww. not trying to pay much attention (wink wink...) as lynn would do.hehehe..... knowing my body who knows. .. today is cd 20
| CC - July 11 |
Val, welcome. I too am sorry about your mc (what an awful thing to happen any day, let alone your dh's b-day). I hated Clomid, but it really works for a lot of people, and I hope you are one of them. Welcome again! Lynn, we would never kick you to the curb, we are all glad you didnt kick US to the curb! Val, my recap in a nutshell..Have been ttc # 1 for way too long (over 2 years). Im 33 in a few wks, dh is 39 in a few wks. He has low motility/morphology, they have found nothing wrong w/ me. Did failed rounds of Clomid, and IUI's and am now starting IVF. I was @ Target yesterday getting cleaning supplies and did something I have NEVER done..I went down each and every row of furniture/strollers/high chairs/pack and plays. I have browsed before awhile back and thought I was so bold. This time, I actually looked at stuff. All I could think was that everyone who is pregnant or has a little one is SOOO LUCKY!! Lynn, your work today sounds like a dream..Like Lori said, Im sure its Winnie the Pooh! So cute. Lori, Im glad you and dh are going on your trip still. Our fair is also in town..I tried to get dh to go on Saturday but that didnt happen. I love the fair, he on the other hand, can leave it! Johnny sounds like he is keeping your on your toes! Is MIL watching him while you are gone? JCR, your whale comment cracked me up. 17 pounds is nothing (I guess easy for me to say huh?)..My today will be considered day 1 of AF for me, if I continue spotting. Last active bcp was last night. I will only have af for 3 days, then start bcp's again on day 3 which should be Thursday already. Will have all questions (and I have a ton of them) answered for me on Monday when I see RE for the hysterscopy and the mock transfer..It all still feels like forever away, and I feel like I have been taking bcp's for years. Still dont have all my meds yet, but I will get there. Lynn, your dh and the "magic spread"..too funny. EMM-thank you for the new thread. We really needed it. Will check in later..
hi ladies... thanks so much for the warm welcome and for sharing your stories. I am feeling much more positive in general today (I think you all helped!) I have to keep remembering that even without a bfp this month, the clomid seems to be helping because this cycle will probably be shorter than any I've had since I started charting in April 05. (My cycles are usually 35~45 days long.) So that's a good thing. I have to head to work soon (I'm a music teacher) but I hope everyone has a great day...
| CC - July 11 |
Val, the Clomid did help shorten my cycles as well and make them more regular. I used to have cycles like you do. You are right, it is a good thing, if nothing else. Sometimes, we have to be happy for the small things along this journey. I know what you mean!
| CC - July 11 |
Lynn/Lori, I just remembered...BB7 tonight..I just saw a commercial for it while working. WHOO HOO..