$$$ IVF COSTS $$$$
8 Replies
Lucky717 - January 3

My question is to those who have completed IVF. What area of the country do you live in and what was the out of pocket cost for the procedure. I'm wondering if it's more expensive in certain areas and what the total amount is that people have paid for this procedure. Thanks for your insight & TONS OF BABY DUST!!!


Lucky717 - January 3

Oh! I live in NC and they say they average cost of the procedure is $15,000. Does this sound right?


JB0405 - January 3

Hi Lucky, I will be doing my first IVF in NYC and I think it varies but for me, it is $11,400. I hope that helps!


ROBYN - January 3

Hey Lucky, i live in South Florida I was on a Shared Risk program which gives you 6 chances for 23000 not including meds which were an additional 3000 we completed our 1st IVF cycle at the end of November and just got our 1st BFP. Without Shared Risk its about 13000 with meds.


baby1234 - January 3

I'm from Southern California and got the quote $10000-15000 for ivf was the norm for my clinic. The costly part is the meds. My clinic has a "deal" where you pay the professional fees ($3900) once and it gives you three tries. I pay $2650 for the lab stuff and $500 for the anesthetic for each of the three tries. If you do anything more than the basic stuff it also adds to the total. ICSI was $1400 and assisted hatching was $300 but I didn't have either so they weren't included in my total. My total was $7500ish plus the meds $5500. Told you the meds were the most expensive. Good luck.


Mega - January 3

I'm also in a Shared Risk program, offered by IntegraMed. I'd definitely suggest checking around the different clinics in your area & see if one of them offer Shared Risk. As Robyn said, it's quite a bit more cost wise, but for me at least it was worth it for the peace of mind of knowing we could try again. Because of male factor, we do ICSIs as well. The cost was $17K for 3 fresh tries, & 3 FETs and you keep trying til you get that take home baby or are out of tries. If no take home baby after the 6 chances, you'll get 70% of your money back. I start fresh cycle #2 in a couple of weeks. My 1st fresh was a BFN, the FET ended in a m/c recently. There are still lots of out of pocket expenses though: drugs, pre cycle tests, freezing of embryos, monthly storage fees , AH etc. Without the shared risk package, my DH & I definitely wouldn't be able to keep cycling a la carte. The cost per cycle w/out Shared Risk at my clinic is about $7K, & that's not including ICSIs, which would be an additional $1,500 or so I think. I live in Cincinnati, OH. Check around though, bargain shop. You're right, costs vary significantly place to place but they also can vary clinic to clinic within the same general area. Where in NC do you live?


Tink - January 3

My RE doesn't offer shared risk. and of course ins doesn't cover for me here in Dallas, TX. i did get a price sheet already, since we might go to IVF if my test isn't a BFP this weekend (4th IUI). it looks like it is close to $10k for the retrieval, anisthesiologist, hospital charges, transfer, RE fees, u/s and labs. Another $2k i think for ICSI if you need that. and then i was assuming drugs would be anywhere from $2k to $3k. so i was estimating like $12-$15k through my RE. I thought about trying another place that might have shared risk, but i really like my RE and he is one of the top 10 RE's in the country with great success rates. fortunately, my grandpa offered to pay for our first IVF attempt in full. i don't know what we will do if the first doesn't work, but i know grandpa would probably just keep paying if we asked. i just hate having to rely on someone else financially, but he said he would be upset if we didn't ask him for help.


cspears99 - January 3

We live in Norther California they quoted us with meds around 18,000, depending on dosage of meds??


Tink - January 3

sorry looked at the sheet again- the retreival, transfer and other related costs are about $6k. another $3k or so for drugs and another $1-2k if ICSI is needed. so closer to $10-$12k for me here in TX.



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