@@@@ IUI and SPERM DONOR 2 @@@@
108 Replies
thayward7 - August 21

You're right Mon... I always hear that, and sometimes even 12 months. It helps me to not be quite so frustrated. After all we go through to get pregnant, I think we would all be okay with twins! So, do you ladies mind if I hang-out and chat during my 2 month break? Smiles...
- T


montie75 - August 21

Yes we mind.........NOT!!! hehehehe, I felt like being a poop...........no we don't mind. Matter of fact, we wouldn't have it any other way.....now would we girls?


whynotme - August 21

T-It would be great if you stayed around!


slowpoke01 - August 21

hey girls- thank you all so much for the kind words. T-you stick around girl because if theis cycledoesnt work for me i will be tkaing a little time off just to save up some more money only like a month or so. i am still sick and i wish that it would go away unless of course it is pregnancy related..lol how was your weekends.? montie i am glad that the iui worked for you this time wow you have been through alot. i hope that the rest of us dont have to wait that long but if we do i am sure that we can handle it. take care all


montie75 - August 21

OMG, is it time to go home yet??? What a Monday......UGH!!!
Anyway, I don't really count the first three IUI's because they were adjusting my clomid and we used a different donor. I feel like the last 4 were the ones we really tried on. I don't know. Does that sound funny??
Slow - did you say when you planned on testing? Are you going to wait it out?


slowpoke01 - August 21

montie that makes sense to me. i think that i am gonna wait on testing. for some reason i just dont think that this cycle worked either. i told dh last month that i wasnt pregnant and he wouldnt believe me but i really think that i am not pregnant this cycle either so i am gonna wait and see if a/f arrives instead of testing and being disappointed. i know i sound like a downer but i really think that if i was pregnant i would have felt something by now. i have had no cramping no implantaion bleeding nothing my (.)(.)'s are sore but they always get that way right before a/f shows up for a visit so i am gonna wait if a/f is late then i may test sat or sun.


whynotme - August 21

Jamie girl! You know as well as we do that sometimes there just isn't any symptoms.....Just try to stay positive and it will happen. I am going on my 4th one soon and I really feel like it will work soon!!


montie75 - August 21

slow - you sound JUST like me before my bfp!! I thought the exact same way......I had no cramping, no cm, no signs and no implantation bleeding. All I thought was that I was coming down with a sinus infection. My bb's were sore but as you know, because of our meds they always are. I told dh that this month wasn't it too!!! OMG.....................LOL, too funny. Well, I have hope for you. (lots of it too)


slowpoke01 - August 21

whynotme i wish you all the luck. i dont know i have been right everytime that i have said i wasnt pregnant. dh says that i am crazy but i just feel sometimes that you just know whether you are or not and i just feel like i am not. i know that sometimes there are no signs but sometimes you just know whether you are or not you know what i mean. i think that if a/f shows she will probably show friday so i will at least wait until then. i hope that i am wrong this month but it is a feeling that i have. i am still hoping that i am wrong im not giving up just yet but if a/f shows then i will have to wait another month before i can try again that sucks...lol..anyway how are you all doing?


thayward7 - August 21

Hey Ladies... thanks for being so kind. I made an appointment today with my RE for September 8th to discuss the next steps. I have started my list of questions... we'll see what he says. Hope someone gets another BFP soon!!!!! Smiles...T


whynotme - August 21

T-did you say before that your Dr. was thinking about starting you on injectibles for the next cycles?? M-Were you just on clomid and trigger? Or did you do injectibles?? I can't remember. I am getting pretty excited about having the HSG done on Wed. I read that it increases your chances of conceiving for atleast 3 months after you have it. Lets hope that's the case for me!


thayward7 - August 21

I have heard that too Whynot! I hope that works for you. Yes, the RE had mentioned that if this cycle didn't work, I could consider injectibles. So, I want to discuss either up-ing my dose of Clomid vs. injectibles... what the advantages vs. risks are and what my chances are with each. I have a limited amount of coverage for fertility drugs, so I want to make sure I am doing the best choice. Smiles... T


montie75 - August 21

I was only on clomid 100mg for 5 iuis and then clomid 100mg with ovidril the last two iui's. I was planning on going to injectables if this cycle didn't work. (although my re wanted me to do one more round of clomid and ovidril.


thayward7 - August 21

That's why I'm wondering about maybe increasing my dose of clomid... the last 4 cycles I was only on 50 mg. I wonder if increasing it would increase the number of follicles. T


montie75 - August 21

I would think increasing your clomid would increase your follicles. How many do your produce on 50mg? I was only producing three with 100mg. I mean, every cycle I had three follicles...LOL.........my RE did say that if we wanted to be agressive then we should use injectables. I just don't like the thought of needles and consist ultra sounds.........


thayward7 - August 21

It really varied... I think my right ovary produces more than my left. First cycle the monitoring was only at the beginning, so I'm not sure - second cycle, 1 on left - third cycle 3 on right - fourth cycle 1 on left. I would like to consistently have 3 mature follies to increase my chances. I am interested to hear what my RE says. T



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