1st Round of Clomid is this too early for Ovulation???
4 Replies
My RE started me on my 1st round of clomid days 3-7 50mg. I took my last pill on the 29th. I work midnites so I take it at 0100 hrs in the morning. I ordered the Clear Blue Easy OPK with the smiley face if you surge , and the circle if your not. So I did a test tonight and I got a smiley face. I completely wasnt expecting this that soon. I didnt O at all last month. My RE did a billion tests and indicated that I didnt. Had my HSG in Feb. tubes looked clear the left a little narrow. Had my U/S last week on CD2 they said all looks good lets start on Clomid. So I go in tomorrow morning for my Post Coitial (sp) test because I got a positive surge tonite. My periods have been brought on by Provera because my lack of them which is PCOS related. Is it possible to get a pos surge this soon after my period ended 3 days ago and just finishing the Clomid?
It does seem a bit early, but with Clomid I guess there's no hard & fast rule for when you O. I'd continue to use the OPKs though & see what happens. Usually you get 2 days of pos. readings. What did your dr say when you called to schedule the post coital test? Were they surprised to hear from you this soon?
Mega, thanks for responding. Well.. I felt like a dumb a$$ this morning. When I went to the RE my nurse was surprised to see me for the PC test. She said unfortunately you got a false positive. Which is from the Clomid. She said it was too early. They told me not to touch an OPK till CD 12 which will be Monday the 3rd. So they said come in on CD 12 we will do the U/S and bloodwork to see where I am at. WIth my doctors office. Certain tests you dont need to schedule you just go in and they take you. I go to IVF of Florida which I notice advertises all over this site. Do you see an RE?
Don't feel dumb, false +'s on OPKs aren't unusual esp. given that you have PCOS too. I do see a RE, I've been with him since July. I also have PCOS, so I know how whacky our bodies can get with it. I'm glad they've decided to monitor you via u/s much more reliable. Good luck with this cycle!