trying to get pregnant
2 Replies
darlene - December 21

i have been on the birth control shot known as the depro vera,my last shot was on sept 21 2005my next shot was due dec 14 2005-which i decided not to get naw me and my husband want a baby and i understand it could take a while for the shot to leave my system,Is there anything i can do or take to help myself get pregnant sooner? thank you [email protected]


mchamplin - August 14

I was on the shot for a long time. They told me it could take from 6 months to a year to get pregnant. But for me it only took two months! Good Luck!


hails26 - February 26

Dont want to upset you but i had an implon in my arm and had it taken out 9 months ago and nothing yet and my husband and i are hanging to have a baby hope you have good news soon keep me posted



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