ovulating signs?
4 Replies
michelle - July 10

What are some ovulatin signs?


me - July 10

I bleed a little when i ovulate!


J - October 11

cramping on the right or left side, mucus changes becomes more of an egg-white colour, you can also have a bit of spotting.


Nikki - October 20

I get clearish, white stretchy stuff that comes out just before I ovulate. My dr. said that is the best time to try!


Nikki - November 1

I just read up on that myself! It said something about cervical mucus (which you can find either in your panties or by wiping yourself or inserting your finger inside of you and rubbing your service. It will have the consistency of egg whites. ) as well as cramping or a sort in your lower right adomenom.



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