Ovulating? Pregnant?
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jessbail2010 - September 4


Not really sure how to explain what all is going on but I'll do my best. I'm 20 years old and my husband and I have been TTC for 4 months now with absolutely no luck (one month we had sex every single day sometimes 2x). In June my period was 4 days late and when it did come it was extremely light and lasted only 4 days (the usual is very heavy lasting 7-8 days). I've had no stress or anything like that I have even been taking prenatal vitamins for 6 months to increase chances. But there were still negative hpt results. In July same thing happened but it only lasted 3 days. still negative hpt results.

However, I have been having a lot of preg. symptoms (boobs extremely sore, nausea, dizzy spells, mild muscle cramping in pelvis area, "full" feeling in uterus) but still no pos. hpt tests.

In August my period came again but lasted 7 days but was still very light. My expected ovulation days were the 29-3 so we decided to try those otc ovulation tests but they all said negative too. My CM was extremely heavy on those days too but still no pos results.

Am I even ovulating or could I be pregnant? why all the symptoms but still having "periods" ?????

I want to go to the doctor but without insurance it's a little expensive.... :( :( :( :(



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