Need to have orgasm to get pregnant?
2 Replies
Lily - September 19

Hi, My husband and I are trying to get pregnant with our second child, and I am wondering if you have a better chance to pregnant if both people achieve orgasm or if it really matters if I do. Has anyone conceived and without having an orgasm at time of conception? And if you orgasm, should it be before or after your partner?


d. - September 19

While there is a theory out there that our chances are better if we have an orgasm AFTER the man (theory is that the contractions would help to get the sperm in better), plenty of women have conceived with no orgasm or orgasm before. Admittedly, I do wait until after him but I've been at this for a long time and am trying anything that MAY work, with or without research backing (as long as it's not dangerous of course).


TC - September 19

You do not have to have an orgasm. That is not something to worry about. It would be hard to have one with that kind of pressure! The kind of fluid you make from arousal is not the kind you need to transport sperm.



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