Causes Of Chronic Pelvic Pain

Chronic pelvic pain may manifest as intermittent pain or constant pain. There may be one cause or many. Sometimes, the pain comes and goes and then progresses to the point where pain is constant. In other women, pain may come at regular intervals that can be predicted. Here are some of the common causes of chronic pelvic pain:

*Dysmenorrhea—while many women experience period cramps to some degree, some women will experience severe period pain or dysmenorrhea. Prostaglandins, produced by the uterine lining, are the usual culprit of this pain. You may feel cramping or spasms.  

*Ovulatory Pain—when pain is felt mid-cycle, the cause is often ovulation. This type of pain is known as mittelschmerz, which is German for the words "middle" and "pain." The pain may feel like a pinch or a twinge but may be severe in some cases. Some women experience mittelschmerz each month.

Worsening Cramps

*Endometriosis and Adenomyosis—in the case where menstrual cramps worsen with time or remain painful beyond a day or two of menstruation, the cause may be endometriosis or adenomyosis.

In endometriosis, tissue resembling that found in the uterine lining (endometrium) is found outside of the uterus on other pelvic organs, such as the fallopian tubes or ovaries. The exact reason for endometrial pain during a woman's period is not known. However, endometriosis makes period cramps much more painful and may also cause pain at random points in a woman's cycle or during intercourse.

In adenomyosis, the endometrium is extended so that it grows within the uterine muscle wall. In most cases, a cause for this occurrence remains a mystery. The condition causes period cramps as well as bloating and pressure in the lower abdominal area just before menstruation and heavier bleeding during the menses.

Benign Growths

*Fibroids—these are benign noncancerous growths that form inside or outside of the uterus and sometimes within the uterine wall. The cause of fibroids remains a mystery though estrogen production may play a role in fibroid growth. In most cases, fibroids cause no symptoms. When there are symptoms, the sufferer may experience frequent or heavier periods as well as pressure or pain in the lower back or abdomen. Some fibroids have a stem which can twist and turn, causing severe pain.

Sometimes, pelvic pain has nothing to do with your reproductive organs. Here are some of the other causes of pelvic pain:

*Gastrointestinal issues—numerous gastrointestinal problems can cause pelvic pain, including: inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), diverticulitis, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, or cancer that affects the gastrointestinal tract.

Kidney Stones

*Urologic issues—some of the urological issues that can cause pelvic pain include: interstitial cystitis, cancer of the bladder, incontinence, infection, and kidney stones.

*Muscular and skeletal issues—some of the muscular and skeletal issues which can cause pelvic pain include: fibromyalgia, lower back pain, pelvic floor muscle spasms, and herniated disk.

*Psychologic disorders—some psychological disorders can generate pelvic pain, including depression.

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