Low Motility and Low Sperm Count with health issues, HELP
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Jr - December 17

I am a 35 year old guy that has been on high level pain killers and other prescription drugs for the last 9.5 years. My fiancee and I are trying to get pregnant but our Dr just told me I have low motility and low sperm count. I have the test results if anyone knows how to read I am willing to post numbers to help. My pain Dr had me on testosterone 200mg/mlinj once a week and arimidex 1mg twice a week, but I thought that was the reason for the low motility and count so I asked my Dr if I could stop and he said that was fine. So I have been off those 2 RX's for almost 2 full weeks. Now our fertility Dr thinks my other pain pills could be the culprit, those include Norco, Flexiril, Lexapro, Lyrica and Lunesta. So while I contact my pain Dr, we thought we would try and find out answers on my own and found this forum. If anyone can shed some light on this we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you



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