Why Do I Test So Early??? :(
2 Replies
sherry - October 14

i tested today, but i should hve waited. it was a BFN, but my period isn't due for a few more days, however, i still believe this negative result. i know when i "oed", i bd-ed like crazy, but i believe this cycle is totally a bust! i have felt like af was coming for almost a week now, which is odd, but i know it's creeping up on me. i used those online test strips, and if they say early, they probobly would have shown a faint positive by now, right? i got pretty regular periods, so iam discouraged. i have about 100 of these strips so i will try again, but iam not expecting anything. last time, i tested ++ 10 days past ovulation. i was pregnant with twins, so i don't know if that makes a difference, but i lost 1 at 10 weeks. anyone bummed like iam from testing early?? hugs, sherry


Mega - October 14

Hi Sherry. Sorry about the BFN. That's always a let down. I don't want to give you false hope & have you be more disappointed later on but I'd still wait a few more days & then test again. I do think you tested too early. Even the so called early HPTs don't give early readings on everyone. As for your twin pg, you were probably just giving off more hcg in that pregnancy than say a singleton (but even twin vs singleton pregnancies can generate a lot or a little HCG). All this to say, don't give up yet til AF shows her ugly head. How many DPO are you? You said one other thing that gives me hope, you said you've felt like AF was coming for several days, I often read other posters saying that they kept expecting AF to show up only to get a BFP a few days later. Keep up posted. Baby dust--lots & lots of baby dust.


Mega - October 14

Oh, I forgot to say I'm sorry about the loss of one of your twins.



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