Tubes totally blocked but got pregnant?
1 Replies
Angie - June 28

Has anyone heard of this before? I had a tubal ligation in 2002. In February of this year I got pregnant again. It sadly ended in miscarriage. Two months later my obgyn told me he wanted to see what kind of condition my tubes are in to see if I could get pregnant again or if I was to badly scarred. He sent me in for a hsg today and the radiologist couldnt believe I had been pregnant before because my tubes are still completely blocked. The baby was in the uterus we saw that. How could I have gotten pregnant any other way? I would love a baby now more than ever. Someone if you could please give me some insight.. anyone had a wrong diagnosis on an HSG before? Thank you everyone. God bless and tons of baby dust.


Angie - June 28

Anyone have any ideas please?



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