189 Replies
Katt - April 28

Dangling - hell my husband is the one bringing in the donuts and other tantilizing goodies! Sometimes I think husbands/boyfriends etc subconsciencely(sp) sabotage their woman's diet. It's like they get this idea we're leaving or something lol. I can't quite put my finger on it. It's like you mention diet and everyone brings you candy! Oh and I am already planning my three days off, lol! I can't help it I love food! Too bad it hates me ;)


mommy2josh - April 28

LOL. Katt. My dh is the same way. He is asking me who I am getting skinny for? I said I am looking to trade you in for a newer and improved model. Gets him mad all the time. I know I am a bitch. Cant help it, sarcasm is my way of life.


Katt - April 28

Hey ROBYN_ Guess we posted at the same time because I missed yours. Thank you for being you ;)


Katt - April 28

lol I do the same thing Tanya. Better I get his attention, right? Quite frankly though he is becoming annoying. Every 5 seconds he wants something. gggggrrrrr!


Katt - April 28


Trust and believe in the truth of one so far,
Yet so close to you.
Gather together in sweet harmony
To gab and chat about the good things.
No more will the cries put us under,
But carry our souls
to the Holy depth of our being.


Rhonda - April 28

Gosh i cant belive how full of life our thread is today,i love seeing this.We are all for one and for for all"if i did not get it backwards hehe"You girls are real gems in my eyes.Tanya i have 3 in diapers.Madison and Chloe wear the same size.Sophie is in ones.My nose hurts i wonder if Mark might have elbowed me in the nose during the night'hmmm"it's a possibility hehe.Tanya 12 lbs is really good i am proud of you sweetie.Well Mark wont let me wear makeup lol if i ever want to he says"who are you wanting to get fixed up for"He realli infuriates me lol.Men,such pains in the ass lol.


Katt - April 28

TANYA_ I think I missed it... 12 lbs is great! I am not weighing myself until Friday as that is my 12th day. I'll keep ya posted. RHONDA_ I know I get elbowed at night sometimes. Ya wake up with aches and pains. I know I have elbowed dh a time or two (shhh)


ROBYN - April 28

Well Jason recorded me snoring the past few nights hes gonna get a few elbows in places he wont like LOL.


amygirl - April 28

Hi;i started a new thread for 2 reasons first off;this one is getting long;second so we can leave the dramam behind us.



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