TTC Circle #2
80 Replies
dea - December 24

Hi CENDY, SHERRY, welcome SANDY! CENDY- glad AF has left the building... SHERRY- I've lost track but I think I am on cd 28. Bbs aren't as sore as yesterday. What's that mean?? AF is nearly here?? Yesterday I could bearly move w/out some kind of discomfort. Today I am fine..don't feel anything unless I really "try" to make them sore. SHERRY- you must be getting ready to "o" soon??? Hope you and DH have been busy... :o) SANDY- I wonder too if you have tried IUI or IVF??? There are a lot of other options if you want to become pregnant. Do you feel the technology/options are better now than 6 years ago??? Well- need to get ready for the big gathering tonight. ~~DUST~~ and Merry Christmas to you all.


Claus - December 25

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!


Cendy - December 25

Hi Sandy, Sherry and Dea! Hi to everyone else too! I hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas! I am so tired from all the activities that I can hardly stay awake. I have two papers due tonight, so I have to stay up. I am on CD 9 and counting. I should O in a week or so. Last month it was on CD14 so its getting a lot sooner. Sandy have you tried all that technology has to offfer or are you still in the process and trying to adopt as well. I guess I would be doing both if the odds were not in my favor. Especially with how long the whole adoption process can take. Good luck to you whatever you decide. What dosage of Clomid were you on? Maybe it needs adjusted to a higher dose. Well, I will go for now. My papers are calling, but so is my comfy bed. I will have to make a pot of coffee. Talk to you all later. BABY DUST AND HOLIDAY WISHES TO U ALL!


dea - December 27

Hi~~ whelp, I am a bust for this month. AF came as a late Christmas "gift". But, I didn't think this would be our month. However- we are getting geared up for January. We are going to try another month of "natural" conception and then go back to the drs. for testing and IUI. DH has changed meds that we feel might have been affecting his sperm count. So- January will be the first month they'll be back to norm. (If it was the meds messing it up.) We shall see!! CENDY: what are you in school for?? How long until your done?? ~~DUST~~


Cendy - December 28

Hi all! Dea, I am working on my Associates Degree through University of Phoenix online. I started college 10 years ago, but got married and never finished. I am looking to get a degree in Finance or Accounting. I hate to hear that you AF came. I am rooting for you in January. It is amazing how medicines can effect sperm count. I know this will be your month. I am hoping it is mine too. This thread is getting long so I am starting a new one. BABY DUST



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