Trying to get pregnant after coming off the pill.
2 Replies
GG - June 29

I came of the pill 3 months ago and still have not got a period. I am desperate to get pregnant and I am going through a lot of pregnancy tests. Has anyone been in the same boat? Would like to hear you stories as I am starting to get quite worried.


Sam - June 30

Hi GG, I had the same problem as you. Apparantly your body can take a little bit of time to adjust. I had a transvaginal scan and found out that my Polycystic Ovaries had returned. I had to take Provera to start my periods and am now on just a light doze of Clomid to help with ovulation.Another of my friends has just came off the pill and has missed her periods with no positive HPT. I would suggest going to your Dr and getting a check up done. Baby dust to you.


Kelly - July 2

GG, I came off the pill in Feb 05. I have had 3 periods since then. Af came 50 days, then 40 days, now I am on day 60. I have been irregular also and it is very frustrating. Especially since I was regular before the pill. I went to see my doctor yesterday and she said it is nothing to worry about. I had blood taken to check my thyroid and hormone levels. She said that I am probably not ovulating. So she said if everything checks out with the blood work then she'll give me a progeterone pill to induce my period and I am gathering it will cause me to ovulate. We'll see. If you are stressing out go see your doctor. I feel more relaxed now that I spoke with her. Hang in there!



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