Trigger Shot and Ovulation
2 Replies
TL - April 20

Hi. Just a general question...
My R/E did a blood test to determine LH surge was not elevated yet and I did Ovidrel shot last night.
I keep thinking what if I ovulate early before the standard 36 hr timeframe?? We are not doing the IUI until tomorrow morning.
I am sure they are just dumb founded fears on my part.
Anyone been there??
Thanks and baby dust :)


isa - April 20

TL don't worry about it because the lh surge can take several days to build up and they want to know for sure when you will ovulate so that is why they had you trigger it. They probably saw your lh was too low to do it for when they want (due to size of your follies) and want more control over it. I too ovulate on my own but I end up triggering every month so we can control it. The blood work can show your lh from 1 (opks pick it up at about the level 20) so the b/w is way more accurate. If your eggs get too big and ovulation comes later I have been told the eggs can start to deteriorate. How I helped some.


TL - April 20

Thanks for that info isa. I am just praying that the timing of all this is good.
I keep reading these postings that say the sperm should already be waiting for egg to drop and vice versa. It's all so tricky. I am just having some dull cramping today since doing shot last night and keep thinking..What if the eggs dropped already? They would die before IUI tomorrow morning. My two follicles yesterday measured in at 20mm.
Thanks :)



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