34 Replies
lovemy3 - November 29

Hey Tracy...popping in, seeing how you are doing. How is the m/s? not much new with me. Got my af (again). Maybe this month will be better!


DCL - December 5

Hi Tracy, I wanted to report in quickly since I had the lap last Thurs. Well most of the mystery is solved. Not great news but at least there was an answer. My right fallopian tube was greatly damaged and does not work so it is considered dead!! I had some adhesions on my left tube so they cleaned that up. My DR said I should have plenty of babies but it may take some time or we can go thru IVF. My f/up appt is Dec 18th so I have some time to think about things. I was sooo shocked and saddened that they found this since the u/s showed cysts but in fact it was fluid. I guess it was there awhile ago. What I am totally pissed about is i could have had a lap in early May but my other DR decided to due a hysteroscopy instead and then put me on clomid cycles. I could have avoided losing 5-6 months. I am going to have do some research with the way tubes work. I think you alternate ovulation each month with the ovary. THe lap went ok, felt like crap the first night but did ok over the weekend. I am want the 18th to come fast and hopefully try on our own this month. Maybe I can give my DH a christmas miracle later this month!! tracy - did your period arrive at the same time after the lap? Did you have any spotting. I am having some brown spotting today. It could be my insides healing! Just curious... How are you feeling?


Tracy88 - December 5

I think I had a wee bit of spotting. It goes away. I got my period a few days earlier than normal on that lap cycle, despite having the surgery before I ovulated. I usually had 28 day cycles and that one went 25 days. No huge difference. I had a friend on another thread who was TTC with one tube as well, and suffice it to say, she is PG now due in February. It will happen, for you it will be a matter of timing. She did clomid and all that, then did two cycles of injectables and got PG on her break cycle from the injectables. Most women tend to ovulate on alternating sides, but sometimes it happens from one for months in a row, so don't get discouraged. If you have the money and don't want to waste any more time, go for IVF. I have faith that you will get PG though, one way or another, so keep me posted on what happens ok.


Tracy88 - December 5

Oh, and I am feeling pretty well. Headaches come and go but are tolerable. The hardest thing to deal with is your growing body and belly. I always feel soooo full and tight and to top it off I always have indigestion! Some days I have zero energy, then others I am raring to go. Could be my age though.



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