tobacco to blame?
3 Replies
Janie - November 17

I was just wondering, my dh doesnt smoke, but he does dip tobacco. Do you think this has the same negative effect on ttc as smoking does?


bump - November 17



kosi - November 17

yeah it does. my dh smokes, dips, and drinks and it's definitely taking a toll on his swimmers. we've been getting into arguements b/c i told him if he doesn't care about the health of himself how can he care for a childs...he's trying to cut back, but i wish he'd just stop altogether. good luck and baby dust to you!


Mega - November 17

Interesting. I've wondered the same thing. My DH dips. I hate it, been begging him for years to quit. I don't like being the naggey wife, but I know it's horrible for his health. Gross too. He compromised, by doing it only at work or when I'm not home. But now I guess I have another reason to ask him to quit. He's got morphology issues, so maybe that's a partial explanation for it. Good luck Janie & Kosi! Baby dust to you both!!



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